An Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow Around an Axisymmetric Body with an Annular Ledge on the Surface
Authors: Simonenko M.M., Zubkov A.F. | Published: 05.06.2018 |
Published in issue: #5(698)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircraft | |
Keywords: rectangular annular step, supersonic flow, angle of attack, flow separation, transverse separation |
The supersonic flow around an axisymmetric nose-cone cylindrical body with a ledge that forms a rectangular annular step on the surface at an angle of attack was experimentally investigated in this work. The studies were conducted in a wind tunnel A-7 of the Research Institute of Mechanics of the Moscow State University for the Mach number M = 3. The evolution of the flow patterns was examined at various angles of attack with the change in the length of the body before the ledge, based on visualization data of the flow structure and pressure measurement on the surface of the ledge. The flow regimes were identified, where a paradoxical increase in pressure is observed on the leeward side of the ledge in comparison with the pressure on the windward side. This phenomenon can be explained by the development of the transverse separation of the boundary layer, followed by the formation of a vortex pair near the leeward side. Vortices cause a transverse outflow of gas in two opposite directions from the plane of symmetry. As a result, the high-pressure stream enters the separation area on the leeward side.
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