Main Alphabetical index of keywords
Alphabetical index of keywords
123- 3-D curved rod (spatially curved rod)
- 316L steel
- 3D histograms of the surrounding space
- 3D model
- 3D modeling
- 3D models
- 3D numerical simulation
- 3D printing
- 3D prototype
- 3D-modeling
- 3D-modelling of engine
- 3D-models
- ANSYS Mechanical APDL
- ANSYS Workbench
- ANSYS and SolidWorks
- APM2 bullet
- Ackermann principle
- AlSi10Mg
- Amesim
- Ancient machines design
- Angeles-Gosselin method
- Arongold-Kennedy theorem
- Assur groups of high classes
- Auger effect
- a cylinder head
- a point of change from acceleration to deceleration
- ablative beat shield materials.
- abrasive
- abrasive action
- abrasive consumption
- abrasive grain corner model
- abrasive grain geometry
- abrasive grains
- abrasive machining
- abrasive particles
- abrasive tool
- abrasive tools
- abrasive treatment
- abrasive water jet cutting
- abrasive wheel
- abrasive wheels
- absolute compression
- absolute maximum
- absolute pressure in the chamber
- absorption
- absorption coefficient
- absorptivity
- acceleration
- acceleration characteristic
- acceleration time
- acceleration-deceleration
- accounting of nonlinear properties
- accumulation of fatigue damage
- accumulator system
- accuracy
- accuracy control
- accuracy of manufacturing
- accuracy of numerical methods
- accuracy of required dimensions
- acoustic contact pressure
- acoustic duct equation
- acoustic emission
- acoustic environment
- acoustic impact
- acoustic load
- acoustic signal
- acoustic systems
- acoustocapillary effect
- activated carbon material
- activation function
- activation methods
- activation reactor
- active area
- active control
- active control system
- active damper
- active disk
- active safety
- active safety system
- active shutters
- active thermal control system
- active toe control
- active trailer
- active working cutting zone
- actual scenario
- actuating mechanism
- actuator
- actuator disc
- actuator driver
- actuator trajectories
- adaptation of software agents
- adaptive control
- adaptive control algorithms
- adaptive control law
- adaptive control of a machine-tool
- adaptive controllers
- adaptive management
- adaptive mesh
- added mass
- additional fuel tank
- additive manufacturing
- additive manufacturing process
- additive technologies
- additive technology
- adhesion strength
- adhesive composition
- adhesive connection
- adhesive joint
- adhesive layer thickness
- adhesive strength
- adjustable electric drive
- adjustable fan
- adjustable nozzle guide vanes
- adjustable nozzle unit
- adjustment
- advanced connecting rod in the displacement group
- advanced robotics
- advanced training for specialists
- advanced working group connecting rod
- adverse terrain vehicle
- aeroballistic testing
- aerodynamic characteristics
- aerodynamic drag of the car
- aerodynamic forces
- aerodynamic heating
- aerodynamic interference
- aerodynamic load
- aerodynamic profile
- aerodynamic wake
- aeroelastic vibrations
- aeroelasticity
- aerogasdynamics
- aerohydroelasticity
- aerosols
- aerospike nozzle
- aerostat radar
- afterburner
- aggregation
- aggregation methods
- aggressive media
- aging law
- agricultural machines
- agricultural production
- agricultural robot
- agricultural robot
- aiming in gravity-free operation
- air conditioning
- air conditioning system
- air cooling
- air flow
- air flow control
- air intake
- air repeater
- air turbine
- air turbine unit
- air-gas channel
- air-independent power plant
- air-liquid cooling
- air-to-air heat exchanger
- aircraft
- aircraft diesel engine
- aircraft engine
- aircraft gas turbine engines
- aircraft icing
- airfoil
- airliner
- airloads
- airtight cabin
- alcohol
- algorithm
- algorithm for determining the actual speed
- algorithm synthesis
- algorithm validation
- algorithms
- algorithms of positional control
- all-terrain vehicle
- allowance
- alloy steel
- alloyed tungsten electrode
- alternative fuel
- alternative fuels
- alumina
- aluminium alloy
- aluminium hydroxide
- aluminum alloy
- aluminum alloys
- aluminum foam
- aluminum tank
- alumomagnesian spinel
- ambient air
- amplitude
- amplitude and phase response
- amplitude of fluctuations
- amplitude of fluctuations of a wave guide
- amplitude of fluctuations of a waveguide
- amplitude of fluctuations of the waveguide
- amplitude of the waveguide oscillations
- amplitude of ultrasonic vibrations
- amplitude of wave guide fluctuations
- amplitude of waveguide oscillations
- amplitude-frequency characteristic
- amplitude-frequency characteristics
- ampoule
- an internal combustion engine
- anaerobic material
- analog
- analysis
- analysis of experiment results
- analysis of experimental results
- analysis of failures and their consequences
- analysis of machine tools
- analysis of sample data
- analysis of variance
- analytic and geometric criteria
- analytic hierarchy process
- analytic model
- analytical calculation
- analytical computation
- analytical solution
- and gas pressure.
- angle encoder
- angle error
- angle of attack
- angle of bending
- angle of chip flow along the front surface
- angle of deposition
- angle of shear
- angles of attack
- angular motion gauges
- angular velocity analogue
- angular velocity plan
- anisogrid design
- anisotropic heat-protective materials
- anisotropic material
- anisotropy
- anisotropy coefficients
- anisotropy of mechanical properties
- annealing control
- annular chamber
- annular cutting insert
- anode layer thruster
- antenna system
- anthropomorphic gripper
- anthropomorphic robot assistant
- anthropomorphic robotic platform
- anthropomorphic robotic system
- anti-icing
- anti-slip spikes
- antifriction material
- antifriction properties
- antiskid braking system
- antiskid system
- antiwear properties
- aperiodic vibration
- applied mechanics
- approach to calculation and design
- approximate cogging
- approximate gears
- approximating the initial data
- approximation
- aramid fibers
- arc discharge with a hollow cathode
- arc reduction
- arc welding
- arched elastomeric shock absorber
- area coverage
- argon arc welding
- armament
- armored cabin
- armored steel
- armoured vehicle
- arrangement of spars and ribs
- articulated manipulators
- articulated mobile wheeled robot
- artificial defect
- artificial intelligence
- artificial intelligence methods
- artificial leather
- artificial lung ventilation
- artificial oil lift
- artificial road bump
- assembled unit resonance
- assembly
- assembly complex
- assembly line
- assembly line production
- assembly model
- assembly of spacecraft
- assembly sequence design automation
- assembly units
- assembly-modular system
- assignment problem
- associate theory of flow
- associated basis
- associated basis cartesian basis
- associated petroleum gas
- associated structures
- assur groups
- asymmetric loading
- asymmetrical arrangement
- asymmetrical geodesic winding
- asymptotic
- asymptotic homogenization method
- asynchronous motor
- atlas of mechanisms
- atlas of non-isomorphic chains
- atmospheric turbulence
- atomic approach
- atomic structure of metals
- atomic-force microscopy
- atomization of mixtures with evaporation
- attached mass
- attracting set bifurcation
- attracting sets of strain displacements
- augmented reality
- austenite
- austenite and martensite
- austenitic steel welding
- austenitic steels
- austenitic-martensitic layer
- auto-oscillation
- autoclave
- autoclave technology
- automated assembly complex
- automated control means
- automated control of vehicle suspension
- automated control system
- automated information system
- automated machine systems
- automated machine tool systems
- automated production lines
- automated system
- automated systems
- automatic axial force unloading
- automatic changing of cutting tools
- automatic control system
- automatic control system of shaft rotational speed
- automatic leakage testing
- automatic line
- automatic lines
- automatic orbital welding
- automatic pipe welding
- automatic procedure
- automatic suspension
- automatic welding
- automation
- automation and robotisation
- automation of technological processes
- automation of the process
- automatization
- automobile
- automobile engine
- autonomous underwater vehicle
- autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle
- autopilot
- auxetic design
- averaged macroscopic failure stress
- aviation engine oils
- aviation piston engine
- aviation technology
- axial and radial forces
- axial backlash distribution
- axial compressor
- axial compressor air intake
- axial deformation
- axial elastic deformations
- axial flow pump
- axial force
- axial heat pipe
- axial oscillations in supports
- axial outlet
- axial piston pump
- axial pump
- axial rigidity
- axial turbine
- axial vibrations
- axially symmetric deformation
- axial–radial turbine wheel
- axisymmetric ramjet duct
- axisymmetric shell
- axisymmetric structure
- B-spline
- BASIS software package
- BLEVE accident
- Bachelor’s degree program
- Bauschinger effect
- Bennett mechanism
- Bezier curves
- Bourdon spring
- Brayton cycle options
- Bricard’s mechanism
- backtofront intersecting radiation beams
- backflow
- background loading
- backlash
- backlash accuracy
- backlash error
- backlash-free teeth engagement
- backward precession
- balance
- balancing
- balancing the moments
- ball diameter
- ball end mill
- ball mills
- ball-friction gear
- ballistic coefficient
- ballistic design
- ballistic design parameters
- ballistic design problem
- ballistic properties
- ballistic track
- bar of inside flash removing device
- base cone
- base material strength
- basic capital
- basic design life
- basic design parameters
- basic enterprise
- basic link
- basic parameters
- basic passability
- basic vibration isolator
- basing error
- bauschinger' effect
- bays
- beam calculation model
- beam damage frequency
- beam structure
- bearing assembly
- bearing capacity of the connection
- bearing flexibility
- bearing layer
- bearing race
- bearing ring
- bearing service life
- bearing tracks
- bearings
- bearings reliability
- bellows block
- belt conveyor
- belt drives
- bench pneumohydraulic scheme
- bending
- bending and contact strength
- bending moment
- bending process
- bent rolled steel profiles
- bentonite and refractory clay
- beryllium bronze
- bevel cut method
- bevel gears
- bi-blade air propeller
- biaxial loading ratio
- biaxial tension
- bilinear diagram
- bimetallic roll
- binary cycle
- binder
- binder curing
- biofuel mixture
- biomechanical analysis
- biometric system
- bionic structures
- biosimilar design
- biped walking robot
- bipedal robot with sliding kinematic pairs into legs joints
- bipedal walking robot
- blade
- blade chords
- blade cooling
- blade crowns
- blade deformation
- blade fracture study
- blade frequency
- blade made of composite materials
- blade microstructure
- blade pump
- blade surface roughness
- blade vibration
- bleed valve
- blended biofuel
- blocking contours
- blood storage
- blood vessel
- boehmite
- boiler formulas
- bolt joint
- bolted connection
- bolted joint
- bond strength
- bonding strength
- booster pump of LRE
- boring
- bottom skin
- boundaries of divergence and flutter
- boundary and frequency of flutter
- boundary conditions
- boundary layer
- boundary value problem
- bracing stiffness
- bracket
- brake
- brake drum/disc
- brake release
- braking
- braking action
- braking mechanism
- braking mode
- braking power
- braking torque
- branched hydraulic system
- branching pipes
- branching structure
- breakage
- breaking connections
- bridge
- bridge crane
- bridge cranes
- brittle
- brittle fracture
- brittle fracture criterion
- brittle material
- brittle material processing
- brushed motor
- brushes
- buckling
- buckling mode
- buffer capacity
- build-up
- build-up detachment
- build-up edge
- building elements
- built-in modules of neuroprocessors
- bulk materials
- bulk waves
- bullet contact angle
- bullet of the Match
- bumper beam
- burning
- burnishing
- burns
- bus rollover
- business processes management
- business processes simulation
- butt connections
- buttress thread
- bypass
- bypass turbojet engine
- CAD system
- CAE-analysis
- CASE-technology
- CATIA v5
- CCCM thread friction
- CFD calculation
- CFD-optimization
- CFD-simulation
- CGTU control
- CNC correction function
- CNC equipment
- CNC machine
- CNC machine tool
- CNC machine tools
- CNC machines
- CNC machining center
- CNC program
- CNC-machine
- CNC-machine accuracy
- CNC-machine error
- COMMON RAIL-type system
- CTC-controller
- Cartesian basis
- Cauchy-Krylov functions
- Coriolis acceleration
- Coulomb friction damper
- Cox’s impact theory
- calculation
- calculation method
- calculation methods
- calculation model
- calculation of equipment configuration
- calculation of geometry of engagement
- calculation of hydrodynamic characteristics
- calculations
- calibrating edge
- calibration
- calibration corrections to measurements
- calibration of onboard equipment
- cam
- cam gear
- cam generator
- camelina oil
- cams
- canonical form of equations
- cantilever beams
- cantilever rod stability
- canvas
- capacity
- capillary
- capillary forces
- capillary holding capacity
- capillary intake device
- capillary phase separator
- capillary phase separator (CPS)
- capillary porous coating
- capillary porous structure
- capillary porous surface
- capillary-condensed moisture
- capital expenses
- capsule
- car body repair
- car seat
- car suspension
- car tire
- carbide alloy structure
- carbide phase grain extraction
- carbide tool wear resistance
- carbide-tipped cutting tools
- carbon fiber
- carbon fiber energy absorption element
- carbon fiber fracture
- carbon fiber reinforced plastic
- carbon fiber reinforced polymer
- carbon fibre
- carbon fillers
- carbon heaters
- carbon material
- carbon monoxide
- carbon nanotubes
- carbon neutrality
- carbon-based prepreg
- carbon-carbon composite material
- carbon-carbon composite materials
- carburization
- carriage
- carriage guides
- carrier
- carrier machine systemi
- carrying capacity
- casing
- cast iron pistons
- cast polyurethane
- casting
- casting defects
- cataloged space objects
- caterpillar chain
- cavitation
- cavitation characteristics
- cavitation specicic speed
- cavitation specific speed coefficient
- cavity square
- cavity volume
- cell-type mixing grid
- cementation
- cementation.
- cemented carbide
- center of gravity
- center of mass coordinates
- centering
- centerpoint suspension
- central body
- centrifugal compressor
- centrifugal compressor stage
- centrifugal force
- centrifugal impeller
- centrifugal induction sintering
- centrifugal pump
- centrifugal pump impeller
- centrifugal separator
- centrifugal turbine
- centrifugal-type stage
- centripetal turbine
- centripetal turbines
- centroid
- ceramic
- ceramic blade
- ceramic blades
- ceramics
- cermets
- chain drive
- change in gas pressure upstream
- change of dynamic mode
- change of form
- changeable closed loops
- changing of the construction properties
- channel
- channel bar
- channel diffuser
- channel shape
- channels of cooling jacket
- characteristic
- characteristic speed losses
- characteristic velocity
- characteristic velocity losses
- charge air cooler
- chassis research stand
- chassis testing stand
- chassis-soil interaction
- cheek of the carrier
- chemical activation
- chemical durability criterion
- chemical kinetics
- chemical non-equilibrium
- chemical potential
- chemical vapor deposition
- chip formation parameters
- chip formation zone
- chip groove
- chip near-cutting layers
- chip reduction coefficient
- chip shrinkage
- chipless tap
- chipping
- chlorine concentration
- choice of coating composition
- choice of the number of teeth
- chord of shovels
- chromatographic method
- chromous
- circular and involute tooth profiles
- circular and parabolic modifications
- circular feed
- circular rail
- circular saw
- circular saws
- circular spline
- circular weld
- circulating diffusive saturation
- circulating heat exchanger
- circumferential gas pressure non-uniformity
- circumferential winding
- clamped bar
- class NP-hard tasks
- classification
- classification of parts
- classification of parts interfaces
- classifier
- clearance
- client
- climb milling
- closed axial clearance
- closed circuits
- closed field method
- closed gas turbine unit
- closed kinematic chain
- closed loop
- closed loops
- closed structure
- closed wedge-shaped workspace
- closure
- cluster analysis
- coal bed methane
- coating
- coating composition optimization
- coating thickness
- coaxial laser melting
- coaxial needles
- coefficient of circumferential efficiency
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of leakage
- coefficient of power efficiency
- coefficient of specific power
- coefficient of the lock
- coefficient of the main load
- coefficients of friction
- coefficients of stiffness
- coefficient of velocity fluctuation
- cogging synthesis
- coil cylindrical spring
- coil cylindrical springs
- coil spring
- coiled heat exchanger
- cold cracking
- cold deformation
- cold drawing
- cold forging
- collaborative massage robots
- collection network
- collective algorithm
- collocation method
- columns
- combination of dissimilar materials
- combined additive-subtractive processing
- combined control
- combined deorbiting
- combined loading
- combined loading processes
- combined machine
- combined methods
- combined operation
- combined power plant
- combined tool
- combined-cycle power plant
- combining circuit
- combust ion chamber
- combustion
- combustion chamber
- combustion chamber of a liquid-propellant rocket engine
- combustion chamber pressure
- combustion character index
- combustion efficiency
- combustion front
- combustion gas metal
- combustion gases pressure
- combustion process
- comfort in motion
- comfort of the driver and passengers
- command-measuring station
- common information space
- common rail electro-hydraulic injector
- common rail fuel system
- common rail injector
- communication and control session
- communication and control systems
- communication line
- communication module
- compact tow tractor
- compact unit
- comparative analysis
- comparative evaluation
- compensation cavity
- competitiveness expert system preproduction planning
- compiled gas cooling
- complex autoclave
- complex automation systems
- complex dynamic object
- complex flows
- complex hinges
- complex mechanism
- complex pin!joints
- complex pin-joints
- complex surface shaping
- complex three-layer plates
- complexity
- complexity of software tools
- compliance
- components of cutting force
- composite
- composite balloon
- composite cutting material
- composite cylindrical shell
- composite design
- composite deviation
- composite electrolytic coating
- composite energy-absorbing elements
- composite fracture
- composite front rails
- composite material
- composite materials
- composite shell
- composite solder powder
- composite spherical shell
- composite structures
- composite wing
- composites
- composition
- composition of a mixture.
- compound engine
- compound gear
- comprehensive approach
- comprehensive compression
- comprehensive model
- compressed and liquefied gases
- compressed gas
- compressed gases
- compressed-stretched rod
- compression
- compression angle
- compression deformation
- compression ratio
- compression strength
- compressor
- compressor blades
- compressor characteristics
- compressor installation
- compressor section
- compressor stage
- compressor-network system
- computation
- computational and experimental method
- computational and experimental study
- computational error
- computational fluid dynamics
- computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- computational gas dynamics
- computational hydro-fluid dynamics
- computational hydrodynamics
- computational model
- computational modeling
- computational simulation
- computational technique
- computeraided design
- computer model
- computer modeling
- computer simulation
- computer technology
- computer tomography
- computer-aided design
- computer-aided design and normalization of technological processes
- computer-based calculation
- computer-integrated manufacturing
- computing equipment
- concatenation
- concave generator
- concentrated masses
- concentration coefficient
- condensation
- condenser
- conditioning of coolant sample
- confidence probability
- configuration
- conic die
- conical core
- conical die
- conical joint
- conical mixing chamber
- conical screw actuating elements
- conical shell
- conjugate calculation
- conjugate direction method
- conjugate directions method
- conjugate generating lines
- conjugate problem
- connecting element
- connecting rod bolt
- connecting rod dynamic model
- connecting rod neck
- connecting rod shape
- connecting rod static model
- connecting-rod
- conservation law
- consideration of nonlinear properties
- constant
- constant section blade
- constant section channel
- constant volume combustion chamber
- constitutive equation
- constrained torsion
- constraint hypergraph
- construction products
- construction steel
- constructional ceramics
- contact angle
- contact area
- contact butt welding
- contact endurance
- contact fatigue
- contact fatigue testing
- contact friction
- contact ground pressure
- contact heat exchange
- contact interaction
- contact interaction relaxation
- contact layer roughness
- contact patch
- contact patch deformation
- contact pliability
- contact point
- contact pressure
- contact problem
- contact ratio
- contact rotor dynamics
- contact status
- contact strength
- contact stress
- contact stresses
- contact tribomechanics
- contactless movement
- continued expansion
- continuous acquisition and life-cycle support
- continuous dressing
- continuous research and production practices
- continuous sampling
- continuous trajectory
- continuous transport machines
- continuum robots
- contour heat pipe
- contour milling
- contract date
- control
- control accuracy
- control algorithm
- control algorithms
- control automation
- control circuit
- control function
- control law
- control method
- control methods
- control of a walking robot
- control of heat exchange
- control program
- control scheme
- control signal synthesis
- control signals
- control strategy
- control stress
- control system
- control system automatic speed control
- control system frequency
- control system stability
- control volume method
- controllability
- controllable elastic deformation
- controlled capture
- controlled dynamic cutting system
- controlled hydromount
- controlled mechanical transmission
- controlled motion
- controlled suspension
- controlled turbocharging
- controlled turning
- controller link
- convective heat transfer
- convective heat transfer coefficient
- convective transfer
- conventional milling
- conversion factor
- conversion of motion
- converter-fed motor
- convolute
- coolant
- coolant flow
- coolant-lubricants
- cooler heating
- cooling
- cooling air
- cooling and heating
- cooling capacity of gasification products
- cooling channels
- cooling device
- cooling ducts
- cooling jacket
- cooling lubricant technological tool
- cooling of profiles
- cooling radiator
- cooling rate
- cooling system
- coordinate space
- coordinate system
- coordinate system of measurement
- coordinate system of project
- coordinate systems
- copper alloy
- copper powder
- copy control
- copying manipulators
- copying method
- copying mode
- core
- cored wire
- corner angle
- corner radius
- correct tightening
- correcting the steering angle.
- correction coefficients of productivity
- correction factor
- correction method
- correction of rotation angles
- corrections
- correlation
- correlation function
- corrosion intensity
- corrugated profiles
- corrugation
- corrugation magnitude
- corundum composite ceramics
- cost
- cost-effectiveness
- costs
- countersinking
- coupled multiphysics problems
- coupled problems
- coupling drive
- coupling equation
- coupling equations
- coupling with elastic elements
- course and trajectory stability
- course stability
- covered electrodes
- covering ellipsoid
- crack advancing energy
- crack edge
- crack growth
- crack growth rate.
- crack height
- crack resistance
- crack-like defects
- cracked part
- crane way
- crane-manipulator
- crane-manipulator of the arm type
- crankshaft
- crankshaft bearings
- crash box
- crash leg
- crash test
- creative group
- creativity intensification methods
- creep
- creep curves
- creep-feed grinding
- creeping
- crew
- crimping (bilateral compression)
- criteria
- criterial dependences
- criterion
- critical SIF
- critical depth of the crack
- critical load
- critical loads
- critical mode
- critical modes
- critical operating mode
- critical operation
- critical speed
- critical velocity
- cross connections
- cross kinematic chain
- cross section of the cut layer
- cross-country terrain
- crosshead
- crossing cracks
- cruise mode
- crumple zone
- cryoadsorbtion pump
- cryogenic conical tank
- cryogenic fuel
- cryogenic tank
- cryogenic temperature
- cryogenic tests
- cryogenic valves
- crystal lattice
- crystal melting temperature
- cumulative scientific efficiency
- curing binder
- current conversion system
- current parametric identification algorithm
- current status
- curriculum
- curtain of welding nozzle
- curvature
- curved milling
- curvilinear coordinates
- curvilinear motion
- curvilinear pipelines
- curvilinear plate
- cut layer
- cutability
- cutter geometrical parameters
- cutter radial wear
- cutting
- cutting capacity
- cutting ceramics
- cutting depth
- cutting edge
- cutting edge angle
- cutting edge geometry
- cutting fluid
- cutting force
- cutting force and temperature
- cutting force during grinding
- cutting forces
- cutting forces components
- cutting forces measurement
- cutting knife
- cutting layer of chips
- cutting layer thickness
- cutting life
- cutting mode
- cutting of edges
- cutting of sewing threads
- cutting parameters
- cutting path
- cutting power
- cutting process
- cutting process diagnostics
- cutting process kinematics
- cutting processes
- cutting resistance
- cutting speed
- cutting speed
- cutting temperature
- cutting tool
- cutting tool material
- cutting tools
- cutting torque
- cutting worm thread by cutter
- cutting zone
- cutting zone temperature
- cycle characteristic
- cycle pulse compression
- cyclic compression
- cyclic deformation
- cyclic loading
- cyclic mechanisms
- cyclic symmetric sector
- cyclic symmetry
- cyclic tension stresses
- cycloid gearbox
- cycloidal contact
- cycloidal formation process
- cycloidal gear
- cycloidal gearboxes
- cycloidal gears
- cycloidal shape of teeth
- cycloidal shaping
- cyclone-type desender
- cylinder bushing
- cylinder camber angle
- cylinder deactivation
- cylinder head
- cylinder liner out-of-roundness
- cylinder recovery
- cylinder shut-off
- cylinder-piston group cooling
- cylinders
- cylindrical bearing
- cylindrical channel
- cylindrical composite shells
- cylindrical hinges
- cylindrical involute gears
- cylindrical section
- cylindrical self-braking gear
- cylindrical self-locking gear
- cylindrical self-locking gears
- cylindrical shell
- cylindrical shells
- cylindrical workpiece
- Design-Expert software
- Dupré — Abel equation
- damage accumulation
- damage accumulation, fatigue
- damage by foreign objects
- damageability
- dampimg coefficients
- damping coefficient
- damping coupling
- damping cutter
- damping factor
- dangerous goods
- dangerous rendezvous
- data array
- data availability
- data management
- data preparation
- database
- dead volume
- dead zone
- dead-end line
- debris fragment
- decay of discontinuity
- deceleration dynamics
- decentralized control
- decision-making
- deep dents
- deep drawing
- defect
- defects
- defects layer
- defense and special technology
- deflectable element of the rudder
- deflection
- deflection of the chain branch
- deflection shape
- deformability
- deformability of elements
- deformable support base
- deformation
- deformation cutting
- deformation diagrams
- deformation energy
- deformation failure criterion
- deformation gradient
- deformation hardening
- deformation of joint elements
- deformation of parts
- deformation rate
- deformation sequence planning
- deformation temperature
- deformation zone
- deformational cutting
- deformations
- degeneration of detonation
- degree of deformation
- degree of freedom
- degree of fuel atomization
- degree of leak resistance
- degree of reactivity
- degree of wetting
- delaminated beam
- delamination
- delivery ratio
- delivery vehicles
- delta robot
- delta robot deformation
- demolition
- demonstrator vibration state
- dendrogram
- density
- deployable large mirror antenna
- deployment
- deposit formation
- depth
- depth of hardening
- depth of the plastic zone
- descender
- descent module
- design
- design and ballistic parameters
- design and technological preparation
- design and technological preparation of production
- design and technological solutions
- design arrangement
- design automation
- design ballistic calculation method
- design ballistic calculation methods
- design ballistic parameters
- design ballistics problems
- design ballistics tasks
- design calculation of reliability and productivity
- design law
- design life
- design method
- design of engineering parts
- design of experiment
- design of experiments
- design parameters
- design procedure
- design process
- design schemes of gas separators
- design shapes
- design structures
- design technique
- design technology engineering
- design verification
- design-ballistic parameters
- design-ballistic problems
- design-technological preparation of the manufacture
- design.
- designer
- designing
- designing of machinery manufacturing facilities
- designs of rack and pinion inverse gears
- desirability function
- destruction
- destruction of polymers
- destruction torque
- determination of the defect positions
- deterministic or probabilistic method variance
- detonation combustion
- detonation jet propulsion
- developing corrugation
- deviation from linearity
- deviation of location
- diagnosis
- diagnostic algorithm
- diagnostic feature
- diagnostic parameters
- diagnostic researches
- diagnostics
- diagnostics of characteristics
- diagnostics of materials
- diagonal-type stage
- diagrams of dynamic compression
- diamond grinding
- diamond rolls
- diamond smoothing
- diamond turning
- diamond wheel
- die
- die edge curvature radius
- dielectric characteristics
- diesel
- diesel engine
- diesel engine 12 ChN 26
- diesel engine start
- diesel engine toxicity indicators
- diesel fuel
- diesel generator set
- diesel locomotive
- diesel locomotive characteristic
- diesel model
- diesel multiple unit
- diesel-generator
- different grain size
- differential equation
- differential equations
- differential wheel drive
- diffraction of ultrasonic waves
- diffuser
- diffusible hydrogen
- diffusion
- diffusion flow regimes
- diffusion phase
- digit twin
- digital control systems
- digital design
- digital economy
- digital image correlation
- digital industrial technologies
- digital manufacturing
- digital mock-up
- digital platform
- digital production
- digital production preparation
- digital reengineering
- digital support
- digital technology
- digital twin
- digital twin of a machine-tool
- digital twin of an object
- digital twin prototype
- digital twins
- digital twins architecture
- digitalisation
- dilatancy
- dimensional communication
- dimensional couplings
- dimensional deviation
- dimensional modelling
- dimensional relationships
- dimensions criterion
- dimethyl ether
- direct injection
- direct laser growth
- direct mechatronic drive
- direct optimization methods
- direct position problem
- direct torque control
- directed activation
- directed flow
- direction and magnitude of angular misalignment of axles
- direction cosine matrix
- directional and trajectory stability
- directional crystallization
- disc wave generator
- disc-type elastic element
- discharge efficiency
- discharge line parameters
- discharge pressure
- disjoining pressure
- disk and cam wave generators
- disk brakes
- disk radius cutter
- disk-type wave generator
- dislocation
- dislocation density
- dismantling
- disperse system
- dispersed material
- dispersible spherical particles
- displacement
- displacement of units
- displacement volume
- displacements
- dissimilar materials
- dissipative heating
- dissipative muffler
- dissipative properties
- distance (metric)
- distributed design
- distributed technical systems
- distribution
- distribution of mechanical properties
- disturbing force
- divergence and flutter
- docking systems
- domestic car
- dosing accuracy
- double-chamber device
- double approximation method
- double chamber device
- double-angle milling cutter
- double-tee spars
- downhole fluid
- downhole fluid sample
- downhole wellhead flow
- drag coefficient
- drawing
- drawing in a tool die
- drawing installations
- drawing ratio
- drill
- drilling
- drilling torque
- drilling-out
- drive arm of the working group
- drive characteristics
- drive compressor
- drive control
- drive cycle
- drive design
- drive kinematic chain
- drive overall dimensions
- drive selection
- driving cycle
- driving dynamics
- driving nut
- drone salvo
- droplet breaking
- droplet dynamics
- droplet evaporation
- droplet fragmentation
- drowned well
- drummer
- dry air
- dry friction
- dual control system
- dual phase steel
- dual-chamber device
- dual-gas protection
- duct resistance
- ductile-fracture transition boundaries
- ductility matrix
- dummy
- durability
- durability and reliability predicting
- durability assessment
- durability of a welded joint
- durability of welded connections
- durability prediction
- duty cycle
- dynamic analysis
- dynamic asymmetry
- dynamic balance
- dynamic characteristics
- dynamic cutting system
- dynamic damping control
- dynamic engine qualities
- dynamic equation of robot
- dynamic equations for bar-compression
- dynamic error
- dynamic factor
- dynamic hysteresis
- dynamic instability
- dynamic labyrinth
- dynamic load
- dynamic load amplitude
- dynamic load computation
- dynamic load-carrying capacity
- dynamic loadings
- dynamic loads
- dynamic mesh
- dynamic model
- dynamic model of pneumatic actuator
- dynamic modeling
- dynamic modeling in Autodesk Inventor
- dynamic models
- dynamic performance
- dynamic pro-perties
- dynamic programming
- dynamic properties
- dynamic qualities
- dynamic response
- dynamic stability
- dynamic stability system
- dynamic stabilization
- dynamic stabilization system
- dynamic stresses
- dynamic system
- dynamic tests
- dynamic tire friction potential
- dynamically tuned gyroscope
- dynamics
- dynamics of crack propagation
- dynamics simulation
- EN 1063
- Earth albedo
- Earth remote sensing
- Earth–Moon system
- End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs)
- Euler vector
- Euro NCAP
- Explicit
- eccentric cycloidal engagemnet
- eccentric roller bearing
- eccentric-cycloid gearing
- ecological additive
- ecological performance
- economic and ecological indicators
- economic efficiency
- economic feasibility
- economical and mathematical models
- economical fuel consumption
- eddy current
- eddy current defectoscope
- eddy current testing of tubes
- edge broadening
- edge crack
- edge cutting
- edge preparation
- education & rehabilitation complex
- education processes
- effective and indicated efficiency
- effective efficiency
- effective power
- effective stress concentration factor
- effective thermal conductivity
- effective thermal conductivity coefficient
- efficiency
- efficiency factor
- efficiency improvement
- efficiency indicators
- efficiency of technology
- efficiency of the forward stroke
- efficient flow distribution
- effusion cooling of blades
- eigene frequencies
- eigenfrequency
- eigenvectors
- ejection
- ejection equations
- ejection equations.
- elastic and inertial characteristics
- elastic characteristics
- elastic coefficient matrices
- elastic coupling
- elastic coupling element
- elastic deflection of workpiece
- elastic deformation
- elastic deformations
- elastic disc-type element
- elastic dynamic properties
- elastic element
- elastic elements
- elastic fatigue fracture
- elastic flexible coupling
- elastic frame
- elastic hinge
- elastic interaction
- elastic link
- elastic linkages
- elastic loose medium
- elastic modulus
- elastic object
- elastic oscillations
- elastic properties of fuels
- elastic silicone element
- elastic structure
- elastic systems dynamics
- elastic tire
- elastic tool
- elastic vibrations
- elastic wave
- elastic waves
- elastic wheel rolling
- elastic wheels
- elastic-screw drive
- elastic-viscous hinges
- elastic-viscous nodal hinges
- elastically fixed pipeline
- elasticity
- elasticity module
- elasticity zone
- elastogasdynamic contact
- elastomer friction
- elastomer shock-absorbers
- elastoplasticity
- electric arc
- electric arc dispersion
- electric arc metal spraying
- electric centrifugal pumps
- electric motor starter current
- electric propulsion
- electric propulsion engine
- electric propulsion motor
- electric rocket propulsion unit
- electric submersible pump installations
- electric traction drive
- electric welded pipe
- electric wind
- electrical conductivity
- electrical discharge machining
- electrical erosion machining
- electrical erosion resistance
- electrical insulating coating
- electrical power
- electrical products
- electrical properties
- electrical rocket thruster
- electricity generation
- electro-mechanical actuator
- electro-mechanical drive
- electro-pneumatic valve
- electrochemical machine tool
- electrochemical number
- electrochemical polishing
- electrode sharpening angle
- electrode-tool
- electrodynamic compensator
- electroerosion hole
- electroerosion processing
- electroerosion treatment
- electrolyte-plasma polishing
- electromagnetic actuator
- electromagnetic radiation
- electromechanical actuator
- electromechanical conveyor drive
- electromechanical drive
- electromechanical processing
- electromechanical surface hardening
- electromechanical transmission
- electromechanical treatment
- electron beam welding
- electronic fuel control system
- electronic fuel injection system
- electronic fuel supply control system
- electronic microscope
- electronic modelling
- electronic module
- electrophysical diagnostics
- electrostatic fields
- electrothermal effect
- electrovacuum devices
- elementary gyroscopic system
- elliptic integrals
- elliptical gearwheels
- elliptical notch
- elliptical profile
- embedded element
- emergency control system
- emergency fall
- emergency situation
- emerging defects
- empirical model
- encoder
- end effector
- end mill
- end mills
- end-to-end interconnecting channels
- endurance
- energy
- energy absorbing material
- energy absorption
- energy absorption zone
- energy characteristics
- energy consumption
- energy costs
- energy dissipation
- energy efficiency
- energy efficiency of movement
- energy efficiency of welding
- energy equation
- energy loss factor
- energy method
- energy recovery
- energy recovery system
- energy recuperation
- energy recuperation recovery
- energy separation
- engagement
- engagement angle
- engagement efficiency
- engagement factor
- engagement forces
- engagement parameters
- engine balance
- engine control
- engine cooling system
- engine crankshaft
- engine management
- engine speed control system
- engine thrust
- engineering
- engineering analysis
- engineering graphics
- engineering procedure
- engineering process of assemblage
- engineering science
- enterprise supply system
- entropy production
- environment
- environmental indicators
- epicycloid
- equality of teeth numbers in cogwheel and satellite
- equation of rod string movement
- equation of state
- equation of state constants
- equations in generalized coordinates
- equations of dynamics
- equations of motion
- equations of state
- equilibrium
- equilibrium co-existence of phases
- equilibrium equation
- equilibrium equations
- equilibrium laying scheme
- equilibrium position
- equilibrium profile
- equilibrium stacking scheme
- equipment
- equipment and technology improvement
- equipment performance
- equipment residual life
- equistrong elastic beam
- equivalent boundary conditions
- equivalent stress
- equivalent stresses
- ergatic system
- ergonomic support Information about the authors
- erosion coefficient
- error
- error of solution
- errors
- establishment of connection
- ethanol
- evaluation criteria
- evaluation of steel weldability
- evaporator
- event probability
- evolutionary structural optimization
- excitation index
- exhaust gas toxicity
- exhaust gas toxicity indicators
- exhaust gases emissions
- exhaust gases toxicity
- exhaust manifold
- exhaust process
- existence domain
- exoelectron emission
- expanding
- expansion in terms of natural vibration modes
- expansion joint
- experiment
- experiment planning
- experimental bar-compression curve
- experimental bench
- experimental creep constants
- experimental design
- experimental determination of parameters
- experimental drive cycle
- experimental investiation
- experimental lap
- experimental methods
- experimental modal analysis
- experimental model
- experimental research
- experimental setup
- experimental studies
- experimental study
- experimental thermal pressure chamber
- expert review
- explicit algebraic model
- explosive throwing device
- exponential equations
- exponential law
- extensible flexible bodies
- extension strain
- external cage
- external deformation
- external deformation wave generator
- external force
- external force amplitude
- external gearing
- external involute gearing
- external load factor
- external speed characteristic
- external thread
- external wave generator
- extreme pressure properties
- extreme robotics
- extremum
- extruding speed
- FABRIK algorithm
- FLD diagram
- FMEA risk analysis
- Ferguson’s Paradox
- Floquet theory
- FlowVision
- FlowVision software
- Fourier hypothesis
- Fourier transform
- France
- fabricability of parts
- factor
- factor analysis
- factor of assurance
- factor of safety
- factorial experiment
- failure
- failure criteria
- failure distribution function
- failure number
- failure torque
- failure-free operation
- fan
- fan blade
- fan efficiency
- fan shroud
- fan wheel
- fast-curing binder
- fast-rotating parts temperature
- fastener
- fatigue
- fatigue crack
- fatigue curve.
- fatigue damage
- fatigue destruction
- fatigue life of bearings
- fatigue life under stochastic loading
- fatigue parameters of LEFM
- fatigue resistance
- fatigue strength
- feed
- feed angle
- feed drive
- feed rate planning algorithm
- feed ratio
- felt substrate
- ferromagnetic surface
- fiber
- fiber volume content
- fiberglass heat resistance
- fiberglass homogeneous characteristics
- fiberglass tape LMS
- fibrous ceramics
- fibrous filler
- fibrous polymer composite materials
- field emission
- field test
- filler
- fillers
- filling
- filling the chamber with gas
- film shell
- filter material
- filter set
- filters
- filtration area
- filtration flow
- filtrational settling
- final machining
- fine pitch gears
- fine-module teeth
- finger coupling
- finite control
- finite deformations
- finite differences method
- finite element
- finite element (coil)
- finite element method
- finite element method (FEM)
- finite element model
- finite element modeling
- finite element testing
- finite elements
- finite sized bodies
- finite volume method
- finite-element model
- finite-element analysis
- finite-element model
- fire tests
- five-axis end milling
- five-axis milling
- fixed clearance
- fixed gap
- fixed pad
- fixed screw
- fixed setting
- fixed settling
- flange
- flange butt joint
- flange displacement
- flapping airfoil
- flash-butt resistance welding
- flat curved rod
- flat gearing
- flat grinding
- flat grinding simulation
- flat mechanism
- flat mesh
- flat oscillatory motion
- flat rod
- flat rod system
- flatness deviation
- flex spline
- flexible and dynamic connections
- flexible and rigid gears
- flexible and rigid wheels
- flexible disk
- flexible gear
- flexible manufacturing
- flexible manufacturing system
- flexible manufacturing systems
- flexible teeth at the ends
- flexible tubular element
- flexible waveguide sections
- flexible wheel
- flexural and radial vibrations
- flexural strength
- flight between coplanar orbits
- flight control system
- flight operation
- flight planning
- flight safety
- flight simulation
- flight vehicle
- floating pinions
- flotation ability
- flow-structure interaction
- flow characteristic
- flow characteristics
- flow coefficient
- flow elements
- flow molecular regime
- flow parameter restructuring
- flow part
- flow path
- flow path profiling
- flow rate
- flow rate coefficient
- flow regime
- flow section
- flow separation
- flow separators
- flow simulation
- flow spectrum
- flow stall
- flow stress
- flow tumbling
- flow visualization
- flow-structure interaction
- fluctuations
- fluid dynamics
- fluoroplastic
- flutter
- flutter and divergence boundaries
- focusing abrasive-liquid nozzle
- foil aluminum
- foil bearing
- foldable parallel mechanisms
- folding antennas
- footboard
- force
- force action of a jet
- force analysis
- force calculation
- force characteristic
- force components
- force fit
- force sensor
- force-moment sensing
- forced supply
- forced vibration sensitivity
- forced vibrations
- forces
- forces acting on fuel assembly
- forces in engagement
- forces in gears
- forecasting
- forecasting the state of electrical engineering complexes
- foreign experience in solving engineering problems
- forge-rolling
- forging
- forging hammer
- form
- form function
- form of equilibrium
- form tool
- form-building equipment
- formation mode
- formation processes modeling
- formation.
- formed blank
- forming
- forward and reverse travel
- forward kinematic steams
- forward kinematics
- forward kinematics problem
- four-axle vehicle
- four-high mill stand
- four-link mechanism
- four-roll crusher
- four-stroke cycle
- four-stroke piston engine
- fracture criteria
- fracture criterion
- fracture in static and dynamic tests
- fracture mechanics
- fracture toughness of torsion shafts
- fragmentation trigger
- frame
- frame filters
- frame of reference
- frame preview algorithm
- frame rail
- frame stiffness
- frame topological optimization
- free abrasive machining
- free bar
- free cutting
- free running mechanism
- free vibrations
- free-run mechanism
- free-run mechanism with resilient working bodies
- free-running mechanism
- freewheel mechanism
- frequencies and mode shapes
- frequency
- frequency and amplitude of vibration
- frequency and form of natural vibrations
- frequency asymptotic form
- frequency auto-tuning
- frequency characteristics
- frequency of fluctuations
- frequency of ultrasonic fluctuations
- frequency response
- frequency response function
- frequency response test
- frequency shift
- frequency spectrum
- frequency test
- frequency-response characteristic
- friction
- friction coefficient
- friction coefficient range
- friction coefficient.
- friction factor
- friction force
- friction machine
- friction mechanisms with flexible links
- friction model
- friction pair
- friction pair wear resistance
- friction stir welding
- friction system
- friction torque
- friction treatment
- friction units
- friction units of machine parts
- friction units of machinery
- friction-electric treatment
- frictional auto-oscillations
- frictional connection
- frictional forces
- front axle skid
- fuelinjection system
- fuel
- fuel assemblies
- fuel assembly
- fuel assembly bow
- fuel assembly lifting conditions
- fuel atomization
- fuel consumption
- fuel control system
- fuel cyclic feed
- fuel economy
- fuel efficiency
- fuel efficiency indicators
- fuel elastic properties
- fuel element
- fuel energy balance
- fuel heating
- fuel injection
- fuel injection characteristic
- fuel injection system
- fuel injector
- fuel manifold
- fuel mixture
- fuel mixtures
- fuel pipe strain-gaging
- fuel pressure reduction
- fuel pump
- fuel rod
- fuel rods
- fuel rods vibration
- fuel system
- fuel tanks
- fuel-economic characteristics
- full-load curve
- full factorial experiment
- full power
- full-scale experiment
- functional model
- functionally significant technological disturbance
- functioning prototype
- fundamental matrix
- fundamental research
- fuselage
- fuselage compartment stability
- fuselage tail section
- fusible impurities
- fusion line
- fusion welding
- fuzzy PID-controller
- fuzzy logic
- fuzzy variable
- fuzzy-logic controller
- GPSS World
- Galileo-Torricelli principle
- Gaussian stationary processes
- Gough–Stewart platform
- Green strain tensors
- Grinding
- Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model
- gantry crane
- gap
- gap between a flange and a rail
- gap seal
- gasdynamic diode
- gas and liquid mixtures
- gas backflow
- gas ballast
- gas blower
- gas cavity
- gas corrosion
- gas distribution station
- gas dynamics
- gas ejector
- gas ejectors
- gas engine
- gas filling technique
- gas fired forming method
- gas flow
- gas flow magnetometer
- gas flow rate
- gas flow rate and density
- gas flow regime
- gas flow regulator
- gas flow speed
- gas forming
- gas fuel
- gas generator
- gas gyro-particle
- gas joint
- gas liquid mixture
- gas lubrication
- gas mixture
- gas outflow process
- gas path
- gas plug formation
- gas pressure
- gas pumping unit
- gas reserves monetization
- gas separation efficiency
- gas separators
- gas stamping
- gas temperature
- gas tungsten arc welding with combined protection
- gas turbine
- gas turbine drive
- gas turbine engine
- gas turbine engine blade
- gas turbine engine blades
- gas turbine engine development
- gas turbine engine stable operation
- gas turbine engines
- gas turbine plant
- gas turbine supercharging system
- gas turbine unit
- gas turbines
- gas-analytical leak detector
- gas-diesel engine
- gas-dynamic bearing
- gas-dynamic ignition system
- gas-dynamic instability
- gas-dynamic parameters
- gas-dynamic similarity in CGTU nodes
- gas-dynamic stability
- gas-dynamic system
- gas-filled caverns
- gas-hydrodynamic path
- gas-liquid mixture
- gas-turbine engine
- gasdynamic bearing
- gasdynamic system
- gaseous helium
- gaseous oxygen and methane
- gasoline
- gasoline direct injection
- gasoline engine
- gate valve specific pressure
- gear
- gear box
- gear efficiency
- gear geometry
- gear grinding machine
- gear mechanism
- gear module
- gear pump
- gear pumps
- gear ratio
- gear ratio error
- gear train
- gear wear-out criterion
- gear wheel
- gear-and-roller planetary gearing
- gearbox
- gearing
- gearing error
- gearing geometry
- gearing ratio
- gearless drive
- gears
- gears optimization
- gears with internal teeth
- gears.
- generalized area existence of gearing
- generalized area of existence
- generalized area of gearing existence
- generalized characteristic
- generalized coordinates
- generalized observability
- generalizing coordinates
- generalizing parameters
- generating cone
- generation of geometry of the end section
- generator waves of external strain
- genetic algorithm
- genetic algorithms
- geodesic winding
- geodetic network
- geometric accuracy
- geometric and physical nonlinearities
- geometric roughness
- geometric similarity of channels
- geometric-kinematical indicators of gearing
- geometrical non-linearity
- geometrical parameters
- geometrical parameters of the combined cutter
- geometrical similarity of profiles
- geometrical synthesis
- geometrically nonlinear model
- geometrie accuracy st ructural
- geometry
- geometry control
- geometry of machined surface
- geometry of the cutting part of the mill
- geostationary satellite-repeater
- geothermal energy
- geothermal power plant
- gerotor device
- glass cleaning
- glide descent craft
- glissade
- global optimization
- globular microstructure
- glue
- glue junctions
- glued polylactide products
- gradient descent method
- grain boundaries
- grain composition
- grain distribution
- grain micro-cutting
- grain peak
- grain width
- granulometric composition
- graph method
- graph theory
- graphical-analytical approach
- gravimetric method
- gravitational labyrinth
- gravitational mixer
- gravitational transport system
- gravity
- gravity roller conveyor
- gravity-anomaly noise
- grid distortion
- grid key element
- grinding
- grinding by copying
- grinding efficiency
- grinding force
- grinding high-speed cutting plates
- grinding machine spindle
- grinding mill
- grinding of end surfaces
- grinding of the flutes
- grinding operation
- grinding powder
- grinding ratio
- grinding speed
- grinding wheel
- groove
- groove cutter
- groove cutting
- groove width
- ground material
- ground repeater
- ground space infrastructure
- ground testing
- group control
- guidance device
- guide vane
- guide vane blades
- guided deformation
- guiding device
- gun type launchers
- gypsum
- HCCI engine
- History of IFToMM
- History of MMS
- half-coupling displacement
- hall-effect magnetometer
- hammer head with a filler
- hand modeling
- hand-type manipulator
- handling
- handling system
- handling.
- hard alloy
- hard alloy
- hard alloys
- hard turning
- hard-of-hearing students
- hard-of-hearing students
- hardened macrorelief
- hardened structure tempering
- hardening
- hardening by torsion
- hardening curve
- hardening of work surfaces
- hardening treatment
- hardness
- hardness control
- hardware and software
- hardware delays
- hardware interpolators
- harmonic analysis
- harmonic drive
- harmonic drives
- harmonic functions
- harmonization of transformed power components
- head characteristic
- head fairing
- head fairing half
- head restraint
- head wave
- heat engine
- heat exchange
- heat exchange crisis
- heat exchange surface
- heat exchange surface ideality
- heat exchanger
- heat exchanger in antifreeze
- heat exposure
- heat flow
- heat fluxes
- heat generation power
- heat pipe
- heat pump
- heat radiator
- heat recovery
- heat release in diesel
- heat release intensity
- heat resistance
- heat resistance of materials
- heat sources
- heat transfer
- heat transfer calculating technique
- heat transfer calculation method
- heat transfer coefficient
- heat transfer computation
- heat transfer efficiency
- heat transfer efficiency.
- heat transfer in the bearing housing
- heat transfer intensification
- heat transfer intensification systems
- heat transfer problem
- heat treatment
- heat-affected zone
- heat-exchange efficiency
- heat-loaded block
- heat-protective coating
- heat-shielding
- heat-shielding coatings
- heating
- heating efficiency
- heating steam extraction
- heating system
- heating time
- heating unevenness
- heating working fluid
- heavy-wall constructions
- helical cylindrical spring
- helical flute
- helical groove
- helical symmetry
- helicoidal shell
- heliogyro solar sail
- helix angle of spiral grooves
- hemisphere production technology
- hemisphere shaping
- hemispherical parts
- hermetic chain
- hermetically sealed capsule strength and integrity
- heterogeneous plastics
- heterogeneous polymers
- hexapod
- highvacuum system
- high and ultrahigh pressures
- high deformability
- high degree of deformation
- high porous wheels
- high pressure
- high reliability of the valve
- high speed machining
- high strength materials
- high temperature gas.
- high vacuum
- high-alloy nickel alloys
- high-frequency vibration
- high-porosity thermal insulation
- high-pressure compressor
- high-pressure fittings
- high-pressure fuel pump
- high-pressure stage
- high-pressure structures
- high-pressure turbine
- high-pressure vessel
- high-pressure vessels
- high-speed aircraft
- high-speed installations
- high-speed jet
- high-speed machining
- high-speed performance
- high-speed steel
- high-speed turbomachines
- high-temperature alkaline activation
- high-temperature coating
- high-temperature flow
- high-temperature superconductors
- high-voltage plasma thermionic diode
- higher education
- higher educational institutions
- higher engineering education
- higher kinematic pair
- highest pressure of water vapor
- highly porous carbon material
- highly porous cellular material
- hinge joint
- hinge mechanism
- hinged parallelogram
- history of engineering
- history of mechanism and machine science
- hoisting machine
- holder
- holding
- hole
- hole flanging
- hole widening
- honeycomb
- honeycomb core
- honeycomb inserts
- honeycomb structure repair
- hook toothing
- hotgas pressurized accumulator body
- hot pressing
- hot-dip galvanizing
- hot-pressed silicon nitride OTM-914
- hovercraft
- hub ratio
- hub-tip ratio
- hull design optimization
- humanoid robot
- humanoid robots
- humid air
- humid air pumping
- humidity
- hybrid composite materials
- hybrid composites
- hybrid drive
- hybrid energy machine
- hybrid machining centers
- hybrid manipulator
- hybrid power machine
- hybrid simulation method
- hybrid technologies
- hybrid technology
- hybrid underwater vehicle
- hybrid vehicle
- hydraulic and energy characteristics
- hydraulic characteristics
- hydraulic cylinder
- hydraulic cylinder pressure
- hydraulic drie
- hydraulic drive
- hydraulic friction coefficient
- hydraulic friction resistance
- hydraulic jack-brake
- hydraulic losses
- hydraulic oil
- hydraulic pump
- hydraulic resistance
- hydraulic ripple
- hydraulic transmission
- hydro-flume
- hydro-pneumatic suspension
- hydro-pool
- hydro-ultrajet
- hydroabrasive cutting
- hydroabrasive processing
- hydroabrasive wear test
- hydrocarbon fuel
- hydrodynamic bearing
- hydrodynamic coefficients of influence
- hydrodynamic contact
- hydrodynamic forces
- hydrodynamic loads
- hydrodynamic pipe
- hydrodynamic research
- hydrodynamic vibrations of fuel assemblies
- hydrodynamics
- hydrogen bubble method
- hydrogen combustion
- hydrogen combustion process
- hydrogen diesel
- hydrogen energy
- hydrogen fuel
- hydrogen fuel cells
- hydrogen sulfide dissociation
- hydrogen tank
- hydrophobic coating.
- hydrostatic bulging
- hydrostatic transmission
- hydrostatical pressure
- hyper force
- hyperelastic material
- hypersonic aircraft
- hypersonic flight speed
- hypersonic flying vehicle
- hypersonic speed
- hypersonic velocity
- hypervelocity impact
- hypocycloid
- hysteresis
- hysteresis damping
- hysteresis loop
- hysteresis losses
- ISO standards
- ITER blanket module
- ITER blanket modules
- Ince — Strutt diagram
- Industry 4.0
- Internal—combustion engine
- Irvine fracture criterion
- Irwin criterion
- Irwin fracture criterion
- ice
- ice accretion
- ice covering
- ice-class vessel
- icing of airfoil
- identification
- idling angle
- ignition delay period
- impact deformation
- impact loading
- impact resistance
- impact strength
- impedance
- impellent device
- impeller
- impeller vane cascades
- implicit function
- imposed connections
- impregnation by resin
- impregnation quality
- impregnator
- improving the performance
- impulse action
- impulse control
- impulse parameters
- impurity
- in situ methods
- in-process control
- incipient falling
- incompressible material
- incompressible medium
- increased friction
- increased service life
- increasing the efficiency
- increasing the fatigue limit
- incremental forming
- independent closed loops
- independent pressure
- index of friction
- indicator diagram
- indicator diagrams
- indicator efficiency
- indicator function
- indicator of hardening power
- indicator of the machinability
- indicator power
- indirect evaporation heat-exchanger
- indirect evaporative cooling
- indirect evaporative cooling unit
- individual fatigue limit
- individual wheel drive
- induced voltage
- inducer
- inducer calculated diameter
- induction centrifugal sintering
- induction heating
- induction motor drive control system
- industrial manipulator
- industrial resource
- industrial robotics
- industrial uncertainty
- industry status
- inelastic deformation
- inertia conveyor
- inertia supercharging
- inertial characteristics
- inertial continuously variable transmissions
- inertial forces
- inertial weight
- infiltration with alloys
- infinite sandwich plates
- inflatable braking device
- influence of backpressure
- information and metrological support
- information environment
- information model
- information security
- information space
- information stability
- information system
- information technology
- information-measuring system
- information-metrological support
- informative sign
- inhomogeneous medium
- inhomogeneous structure
- initial conditions
- initial contour
- initial mass
- initial parameters method
- initial problem
- initial rod deformation
- initiators
- injection advance angle
- injection holes
- injection pressure
- injection rate shaping
- injector
- inlet guide vane unit
- inlet nozzle
- inorganic binders
- inside flash removing
- inspection and test-ing
- inspection of metal structures
- installation options
- instant tension curve
- instantaneous angular speed
- instantaneous center of rotation
- instantaneous cutting capacity
- instantaneous efficiency
- instrumental coated materials
- instrumental materials
- insulation type
- intake air
- intake process
- intake valve system
- integral
- integral frame
- integral function
- integral parameters
- integral wave gear mechanism
- integrated gas treatment unit
- integrated information systems
- integrated structures
- integration accuracy
- integration of the equation of motion
- integro-power series
- intelligent control
- intelligent control of equipment
- intelligent control system
- intelligent design systems
- intelligent management
- intelligent protections
- intelligent software
- intelligent system
- intelligent systems
- intensification
- intensification of deformation process
- inter-channel coolant transpiration
- inter-satellite radio link
- inter-tank device
- interaction of axes
- interchannel coolant movement
- interface
- interface finite element
- interference fit
- interference of teeth
- interlaminar strength
- intermediate cooling
- intermediate deformable sleeve
- intermediate energy carrier
- intermediate rolling bodies
- intermediate rolling elements
- intermittent surface
- internal bypass
- internal combustion engine
- internal deburring machine rod
- internal deburring tool
- internal deformation
- internal disturbances
- internal engagement
- internal engagement
- internal friction
- internal involute gearing
- internal pressure
- internal thermodynamic cycle
- internal thread profiling
- internal wall temperature
- interoperative sizes
- interplanetary trajectory
- interpolation
- interpolation method
- intravascular microrobot.
- invariant-polynomial formulation
- invention
- inventions
- inventory management
- inverse dynamics problem
- inverse engagement
- inverse gearing geometry
- inverse kinematics
- inverse kinematics problem
- inverse position problem
- inverse problem
- inverse problem kinematic
- inverse problem of dynamics
- inverse problem of kinematics
- inverse problem of positions
- inverse transmission
- inverted physical pendulum
- inverted planetary roller screw mechanism
- investigation
- investigation test stand
- investment
- involute
- involute gear
- involute gearing
- involute profile
- involute surface
- ion current
- ion nitriding
- ionized air
- iron
- irradiation
- irreversible process
- irrotational air-breathing jet engine
- isentropic acoustic vibrations
- isolated ring
- isomorphism property
- isotropic lamellar inclusions
- iterative algorithm
- iterative method based on moments equation
- iterative procedure
- iterative regularization method
- Jacobian matrix
- jamming
- jamming risk
- jet force action
- jet forming nozzle
- jet nozzle
- jet power action
- jet transducer
- jet-forming path
- jet-forming process
- job flow control
- joint functioning
- joint movement
- joint weld strength
- jointed cams.
- jointed rollers
- KF5P1-5-200 strain gauge
- Kirchhoff’s kinetic analogy
- Kolmogorov test
- kinematic accuracy
- kinematic analysis
- kinematic and dynamic characteristics
- kinematic and dynamic simulation
- kinematic chain
- kinematic chains
- kinematic chains with simple and complex joints
- kinematic component of irregularities
- kinematic control algorithm
- kinematic diagram
- kinematic error
- kinematic error.
- kinematic excitation
- kinematic factors
- kinematic gear ratio
- kinematic pair
- kinematic pair of higher degree
- kinematic pairs
- kinematic parameters
- kinematic precision
- kinematic problem
- kinematic redundancy
- kinematic scheme
- kinematic scheme of the robot case with hands
- kinematic screw
- kinematic set up of machines
- kinematic synthesis
- kinematic viscosity
- kinematic viscosity coefficient
- kinematics diagram
- kinematics of mechanisms
- kinematics of parallel manipulators
- kinetic characteristic
- kinetic characteristics
- kinetic phase
- kinetics of hydrogen production
- kinetics of structural transformations
- kinetostatics
- knife offset
- knowledge base
- knowledge bases
- knowledge extraction from data
- knowledge management
- LOX-cooling
- Lagrange equations
- Lagrangian approach
- Lamb waves
- Launch Complex
- Laval nozzle
- Leonardo’s rule
- Leontiev tube
- labor productivity
- laboratory machine
- laboratory of mechanisms
- laboratory studies
- laboratory unit
- laminar flow
- laminated composites
- landing gear
- laparoscopic instruments
- laps dressing
- large displacement
- large displacements
- large rotations
- large space structures
- large strain
- large strain theory
- large strains
- laser ablation
- laser cladding
- laser cutting
- laser deposition
- laser direct material deposition
- laser ignition
- laser metal deposition
- laser shock
- laser shock peening
- laser welding
- lateral bending
- lateral extrusion
- lateral faces
- lateral force
- lateral forces
- lateral rollover
- lathe
- lattice shell
- lattice shells
- launch complex
- launch equipment
- launch vehicle
- launch vehicle flight characteristics
- launching equipment
- law of elasticity
- law of motion
- law of motion of hydraulic drive
- law of profiling
- layer growth
- layered growing
- layered medium
- layered melting method
- layout
- lead angle
- leadership role
- leaf spring
- leak detection process
- leak detection techniques
- leak tests
- leakage testing
- learning algorithm
- least square method
- leg length
- length of chip contact
- length of shovels
- level of micro-electronic technology
- lever linkage synthesis
- lever mechanisms
- lever multi-circuit mechanisms
- lever strength
- libration point
- life cycle
- life support system
- lifecycle stages
- lifetime
- lift axle
- lifting force
- lifting the cargo
- lifting-and-shifting machines
- ligature
- light aircraft
- light emission
- limit deformations
- limit of fluidity
- limit state
- limit torque
- limited-slip differential
- limiting condition
- limiting drawing ratio
- limiting friction
- limiting tension detrusion
- line method
- line of action
- linear circuits method
- linear drive
- linear hydraulic drive
- linear matrix inequalities
- linear programming
- linear wear
- linearized model
- linearized system of equations
- liner
- liner temperature field
- link
- linkage and gear mechanisms
- linkages and planetary mechanisms
- linseed oil
- liquefaction technologies
- liquefied hydrocarbon gas
- liquefied natural gas
- liquefied natural gas plant
- liquid flow
- liquid flow parameters
- liquid gas generator
- liquid hydrocarbon fuel
- liquid intake method
- liquid melt
- liquid nitrogen
- liquid propellant rocket engine
- liquid pumping
- liquid ring vacuum pump
- liquid rocket engine
- liquid-gas damper
- liquid-oxygen–gaseous-hydrogen
- liquid-propellant rocket engine
- load
- load along the rim width
- load bearing ribs
- load bearing structure
- load capacity
- load distribution
- load factors
- load limit
- load on the cutting tool
- load on the tire
- load reduction device
- load torque
- load torques
- load-bearing capacity
- load-bearing capacity and stiffness
- load-bearing frame
- load-carrying capacity
- load-carrying printed circuit board
- load-carrying system
- loaded contact
- loading
- loading cyclogram
- loading factor
- loading on polished rods
- local area existence of gearing
- local area of existence
- local area of gearing existence
- local buckling
- local dry cavity
- local hardening zone
- local hydraulic resistance
- local load
- local loading
- local problems
- local superficial defect
- local-optimal control laws
- localization of the contact patch
- lock joint
- locked wheel drive.
- locomotive
- locomotive characteristic
- locomotive engine
- lodgment
- logic
- logistic structure
- logistic support
- logistical model
- logistics
- logistics support
- long hollow products
- long wheelbase multi-axle road trains
- longeron
- longevity of a thin-wall rubber element
- longitudinal and crosssection fluctuations of the robot body
- longitudinal compliance
- longitudinal dynamics
- longitudinal feed
- longitudinal travel
- longitudinal wave 3D scattering
- longitudinal-torsional transducer
- longitudinal-transverse transducer
- loop heat pipe
- loss coefficient
- losses
- losses in characteristic velocity
- low carbon and low alloy steels
- low load-bearing properties
- low orbit
- low orbit communications system
- low rigidity workpiece
- low speed
- low temperatures
- low thrust engine
- low-capacity compressor units
- low-cycle fatigue
- low-emission process
- low-flow turbine unit
- low-frequency resonance of the pipeline
- low-frequency vibration
- low-modulus and high-strength glass fiber reinforced plastic
- low-plasticity burnishing
- low-plasticity smoothing
- low-pressure compressor
- low-pressure turbine
- low-profile pneumatic tire
- low-speed long-stroke compressor unit
- low-speed machines
- low-thrust engine
- low-thrust rocket engine
- lowaspectratio blades
- lower extremities
- lower wing skin
- lubricant
- lubricant channels
- lubricant materials
- lubricating and cooling fluid
- lubricating layer
- lubricating-cooling technological medium
- lubrication
- lumped mass
- lunar gravitation anomalies
- lunar infrastructure
- lunar program
- lunar station
- lyophilic homogeneous liquid
- MJ-mechanism
- MMA algorithm
- MSC.Adams interface
- MSC.Nastran.Rotordynamics software
- Mach number
- Machine terminology
- Markov chain
- Markov’s process
- Mathieu equation
- Mechanism Design
- Melan' theorem
- Mises–Hencky criterion
- Moglice polymeric material
- Mont-Carlo method
- Monte Carlo method
- Moon exploration
- Mooney–Rivlin potential
- Moore’s method
- machinability
- machinability of materials
- machinetool
- machinetool industry
- machine
- machine accuracy
- machine drive
- machine dynamics
- machine learning
- machine part
- machine reamer
- machine reamers
- machine tool
- machine tool bed
- machine tool geometric accuracy
- machine tool industry
- machine tools
- machine unit
- machine-tool industry
- machine-building enterprises
- machine-building industry
- machine-part joints
- machine-tool
- machined surface
- machined surface quality
- machinery
- machines
- machining
- machining accuracy
- machining by cutting
- machining inaccuracy
- machining modes
- machining of brittle materials
- machining of internal threads
- machining of material
- machining pattern
- machining precision
- machining speed
- machining tolerance
- macro-deformation pro cess
- macromolecular model
- macromolecule force characteristic
- macromolecule hotness
- macromolecule kinetic energy
- macrorelief
- magnet material
- magnetic field strength
- magnetic properties
- magnetic type mobile device
- magnetoelastic sensor
- magnetorheological actuator
- magnetorheological damper
- magnetorheological elastomer
- magnetorheological fluid
- magnetorheological transformer
- magnetron and high frequency application
- magnetron and suspension sputtering
- magnetron application
- magnetron-high-frequency application
- main pipeline
- main pipelines
- main pipelines cooling
- main shaft
- mains pressure
- maintenance
- maintenance of metal structures
- makroelement
- mandrel
- maneuverability
- manganese-molybdenum steel
- manipulation object
- manipulator
- manipulator control system
- manipulator of parallel structure
- manipulators based on a tripod
- manned spacecraft
- manoeuvrability
- manometric leak detector
- manufacturability assessment
- manufacturability of composite materials
- manufacture of machine-tools
- manufacturer
- manufacturing equipment
- manufacturing errors
- manufacturing errors of gears
- manufacturing fault
- manufacturing operation
- manufacturing precision
- manufacturing process
- marking scheme
- martensite
- mass
- mass analysis
- mass concentration
- mass efficiency
- mass flow rate
- mass forces
- mass matrix
- mass production
- mass properties
- mass reducing
- mass wear
- mass-dimensional indicators
- mass-dimensional parameters
- mass-to-torque ratio
- massage robotics
- master model
- material EDM resistance
- material and energy balance
- material compaction
- material defect
- material deformation
- material destruction
- material hardness
- material points
- material resources
- material sample
- mathematic modeling
- mathematic simulation
- mathematical description of off-road trails
- mathematical experiment
- mathematical model
- mathematical model of deformation of a frame
- mathematical model of the shock absorber
- mathematical modeling
- mathematical modeling.
- mathematical modelling
- mathematical models
- mathematical motion model
- mathematical simulation
- mathematical simulation modeling of dynamic systems
- mating edges shape
- matrix
- matrix channel
- matrix equation
- matrix method
- maximal pump capacity
- maximum
- maximum flight range
- maximum pore size
- maximum range
- mean
- mean value
- meander law
- measure of deviation from monotony
- measure of dispersion
- measure of position
- measurement
- measurement equipment
- measurement error
- measurement of lateral forces acting on vehicle wheels
- measurement system
- measurement uncertainty
- measuring head
- measuring task
- mechanical and electromechanical systems
- mechanical characteristics
- mechanical engineering enterprise
- mechanical gears
- mechanical impurities
- mechanical loss moment
- mechanical losses
- mechanical model
- mechanical properties
- mechanical pump
- mechanical system
- mechanical systems
- mechanical transmission
- mechanism
- mechanism dynamics
- mechanism efficiency
- mechanism mobility
- mechanism of a parallel structure
- mechanism of parallel cranks
- mechanism optimization synthesis
- mechanism rigidity
- mechanism structure
- mechanism synthesis
- mechanism with backlashes
- mechanism with constant insertion point
- mechanisms
- mechanisms correct design codes
- mechanisms of Class II
- mechanisms of parallel structure
- mechanized arc welding
- mechatronic module
- mechatronic system
- mechatronic unit
- median
- medical care
- medical endoscope
- medium diesel generators
- medium power wind generator
- medium speed diesel engine
- medium-cycle angular speed
- medium-cylinder angular speed
- medium-speed diesel
- medium-speed diesel engine
- melt overheating
- melting of material
- membrane elastic element
- membrane theory
- membranous processes
- memory shape effect
- meniscus
- meniscus parts calibration
- meridional plane
- meridional winding
- mesh filter
- mesh size
- meshfree method
- meshing friction
- meshing interference
- meshless method
- message packet switching
- metal and composite shells
- metal composites
- metal cutting
- metal cutting process
- metal cutting system
- metal fluidity
- metal frame
- metal grinding
- metal hydride battery
- metal matrix
- metal mesh
- metal mesh material
- metal powder composition
- metal reinforcement
- metal skin melting
- metal tires
- metal transfer
- metal-composite joint
- metal-matrix composite material
- metal-plastic bearings
- metallography using optical and electron microscopy
- metallurgical cored wire; structure; profile; filler; seamed lock; swage
- metamodel
- metastable melt structure
- metering characteristic
- metering valves
- methane tank
- method
- method of continued fractions
- method of decomposition by form
- method of gradient balance
- method of gradients balance (BG-method)
- method of graphs
- method of moments
- method of moments.
- method of nested optimization
- method of parameters choice
- method of particles
- method of repair sizes
- method of successive loading
- method of successive loadings
- method of variable elastic parameters
- method of viscous vortex do-mains
- methodology
- methods
- methods for ensuring wear resistance
- metric thread
- micro cutting
- micro hardness
- micro-cutting
- micro-hardness
- micro-milling
- micro-structured surface
- microactuator
- microchemical inhomogeneity
- microcircuit complexity level
- microcontroller Arduino Nano
- microhardness
- micrometeoroids
- micromilling
- microparticles of target materials
- microprofile
- microrentgenostructural analysis
- microrobot
- microstructure
- microvoid growth
- microvoid nucleation
- microwave radiation
- milling
- milling by cutter
- milling feed
- milling parameters
- mine protection
- miniature in-tube robot
- minimally invasive operations
- minimization of compliance
- minimization of potential
- minimum acceleration energy criterion
- minimum fluid friction force
- mirror antenna reflector
- mirror method
- mirror space antenna reflector
- missile radomes
- mission control center
- mixed fuel
- mixed variational principle
- mixing grid-intensifier
- mixture formation
- mobile coordinate system
- mobile installation
- mobile machine
- mobile robot
- mobile robotic system
- mobile robotic systems
- mobile robots
- mobile robots docking/undocking
- mobile speleological parallel robot
- mobility
- mobility analysis
- mobility of mechanism links
- modal analysis
- modal coordinates
- mode of deformation
- mode of motion
- model
- model experiment
- model of welding process
- model-based development
- modeling
- modeling of operating modes
- modeling of oscillations
- modeling of technological processes
- modeling of welding
- modeling technique
- modelling
- models of mechanisms
- modern technologies
- modernization of compressor equipment
- modification of a binder by carbon nanotubes
- modified method of large particles
- modular architecture
- modular design
- modular design of machine tool
- modular robots group connection
- modular system
- modulator teeth
- module
- module of elasticity
- modulus of elasticity
- moire bands
- molding sands
- molecular flow model
- molecular flow regime
- molecular flows density
- molecular vacuum pump
- molecular-viscous pump
- molecule
- molecule power characteristic
- molten pool
- molybdenum
- moment
- moment characteristics
- moment of a material point quantity of movement
- moment of force in thread
- moment of inertia
- moments
- monitoring
- monitoring information
- monoblock temperature field
- monoblock-cylinder unit
- monocrystal wafer
- monocrystalline diamond cutter
- monocrystalline silicon
- monolithic panel warping
- monopropellant
- monotonic deformation
- motion control synthesis
- motion decomposition principle
- motion design
- motion dynamics
- motion generator
- motion of a body along a plane curve
- motion of the construction
- motion path
- motion planning
- motion simulation
- motion stability
- motion stabilization
- motion trajectory
- motivation
- motor seal protector
- motor-axle design
- motor-spindle
- mounting
- mounting plate
- mounting points
- mounting system
- mounting under tension
- movable knife
- movable knife blade
- movement
- movement control accuracy
- movement stabilization of two-axle vehicles
- moving average
- moving coordinate system
- muffler
- multiagent methodology
- multi combination vehicle
- multi mass system
- multi-agent methodology
- multi-agent systems
- multi-axle wheeled vehicle
- multi-circuit mechanism
- multi-combination vehicle
- multi-component mixed biofuel
- multi-criteria decision algorithm
- multi-criteria design
- multi-criteria management
- multi-criteria optimization
- multi-fuel injector
- multi-gent systems
- multi-layer oil well
- multi-link lever mechanism
- multi-mass model
- multi-module crawling robot
- multi-nozzle injector
- multi-pair engagement
- multi-pass welding
- multi-phase composite
- multi-row blade cascade
- multi-row planetary gear
- multi-shaft gas turbine unit
- multi-stage throttling
- multi-stage unit
- multi-tier blade array
- multi-wheel bridge crane
- multi-wheeled vehicle
- multi-zone winding
- multiagent systems
- multicircuit mechanisms
- multicopter
- multicriteria optimization
- multidimensional global optimization
- multielement products
- multifactor experiment
- multifuel nozzle
- multifunctional all-terrain vehicle
- multifunctional machining center
- multihop communication system
- multilayer polymeric film
- multilayer structure
- multilayered plates
- multinomenclature manufacturing
- multiparametric optimization
- multiphase coefficient
- multiphase coefficient of the discrete particles relative speed
- multiphase dispersed flow
- multiphase specific speed
- multiphase specific speed coefficient
- multiphase speed coefficient
- multiphase stages
- multipiece piston
- multiple joint
- multiple joints
- multiple launch
- multiple links
- multiple re-entries into the atmosphere
- multiple-beam interferometry
- multiple-frequency splitting
- multiple-tooth contact
- multiplicative integral
- multiplier
- multipole expansion
- multiproduct manufacturing
- multirip bench
- multiscale simulation
- multistage blade (vane) pump
- multistage vane pump
- multiwalled shell
- multizone engagement
- musculoskeletal
- musculoskeletal system
- mustard oil
- mutual motion
- mutual safety
- N-link pendulum
- N.I. Mertsalov method
- NX Advanced Simulation
- Navier-Stokes equations
- Newton’s method
- Newton’s third law
- Norton — Bailey power law
- Novikov gearing
- Nusselt criterion
- nCode
- nanomaterial
- nanomodifiers
- nanosatellite
- nanosatellite removal
- nanoscale powders
- nanosized boehmite powder
- nanostructured coatings
- nanostructured films
- nanostructured processes
- narrow gap
- narrow radiation pattern
- natural and artificial gravity
- natural circulation
- natural convection
- natural frequencies
- natural frequencies and forms
- natural frequency
- natural gas
- natural philosophy
- natural vibration frequencies
- natural vibrations
- navigation and ballistic support
- near muzzle and exterior ballistics
- near-Earth space cleanup
- near-wall boundary layer
- network learning method
- network structure
- neural network
- neural network controller
- neural network models
- neural networks
- neutron irradiation
- new European drive cycle
- new educational technologies
- new lever mechanisms
- nickel
- nickel super alloy
- nickel-copper alloy
- nitrogen gas
- nitrogen oxide
- nitrogen oxides
- nitrogen tetroxide
- nodal displacements
- nodal load vector
- noise
- noise from piston transpositions
- noise from work process
- nominal element
- nominal voltage
- nondestructive testing
- nonstationary gasdynamic functions
- non-moment lattice shells
- non-standard pinion cutter
- non-Newtonian elastic element
- non-axisymmetric cross section
- non-circular cylindrical shells
- non-circular gearwheels
- non-conservative aerodynamic force
- non-conservative loading
- non-conservative loads
- non-consumable electrode welding
- non-destructive testing
- non-destructive testing methods
- non-equilibrium configuration
- non-free cutting
- non-invasive diagnostics
- non-involute gearing
- non-linear non-stationary heat conduction problem
- non-linear properties
- non-linear systems
- non-lubricated bearing
- non-separable mandrel
- non-standard teeth
- non-stationary flow
- non-stationary heat conductivity
- non-stationary processes
- non-symmetric beam support
- non-uniform loading
- non-uniform material removal
- nonconservative system
- noncoplanar flight
- nondestructive testing
- nonferrous metals and alloys
- nonlinear boundary value problem
- nonlinear deformation
- nonlinear deforming
- nonlinear dynamic model
- nonlinear dynamic systems
- nonlinear dynamics
- nonlinear elastic characteristic
- nonlinear nonstationary problem of heat conduction
- nonlinear plasticity
- nonlinear problem
- nonlinear programming
- nonlinear strength analysis
- nonlinear system of equations
- nonlinear systems
- nonlinear vibrations
- nonparametric statistics
- nonparametrical statistics methods
- nonsphericity of gravitational field
- nonstationary flow
- nonstationary high-frequency temperature state
- nonstationary process
- nonwoven materials
- normal Cauchy form
- normal atmosphere
- normal atmospheric conditions
- normal cutter angle
- normal displacement
- normal distribution
- normal forces
- normal frequencies
- normal modes
- normal stress
- normal stresses
- normal values of parameters
- normalization
- nozzle
- nozzle blades
- nozzle block
- nozzle vane profile
- nozzles
- nuclear power plants
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear waste
- nucleate boiling
- number of adjusters
- number of degrees of freedom
- number of sections
- number of staff
- number of starts of the thread
- number of teeth
- numerical analysis
- numerical calculation
- numerical computation
- numerical control machine tools
- numerical experiment
- numerical method
- numerical model
- numerical modeling
- numerical modelling
- numerical simulation
- numerical simulation of heat exchange
- numerical simulation of heat transfer
- numerical simulation.
- numerical studies
- numerical study
- numerically controlled machine tools
- numerically controlled turret lathe
- nut
- nut end friction coefficient
- nut rotation angle
- object-system
- oblique compression
- oblique cutting
- of exhaust gases toxicity
- off-nominal situation
- oil diesel fuel
- oil free vacuum
- oil medium
- oil pipeline
- oil-free scroll vacuum pump
- oleic acid
- on-board equipment
- on-board router
- onboard electrolysis unit
- onboard radio complex
- one degree of freedom
- one-way clutch
- one- and two-dimensional intermesh coolant filtration
- one-dimensional flow
- one-dimensional mathematical model
- one-way clutch
- ontological engineering
- ontological modeling
- ontology
- open CNC systems
- open architecture
- open axial clearance
- open container
- operat ing parameters
- operating and technical level
- operating area
- operating conditions
- operating duty
- operating element
- operating parameters
- operating parameters of turning
- operating speed
- operating stresses
- operating time
- operating-technical level
- operation
- operation algorithm of the control system
- operation and technical potential
- operation mode
- operation reliability
- operation support
- operational and residual stress
- operational efficiency
- operational fuel consumption
- operational life
- operations management
- optical breakdown
- optimal control
- optimal cutting speed
- optimal design
- optimal diameter
- optimal engine power
- optimal geometry
- optimal length of a cylindrical mixing chamber
- optimal parameters of GTU-ATHRU
- optimal parameters of GTU-ATU
- optimal production planning
- optimal roadmap
- optimal structural synthesis
- optimal technical parameters
- optimality criterion
- optimization
- optimization criteria
- optimization criterion
- optimization criterion for parametric series values
- optimization efficiency
- optimization of design parameters
- optimization of machining modes
- optimization of the geometrical parameters
- optimization parameters of the wing
- optimization problem
- optimization synthesis
- optimization.
- optimum cutting modes
- optimum design parameters
- optimum number of satellites
- optimum power
- optimum preload
- optimum tightening
- optimum transmission ratio
- orbit correction
- orbit parameters
- orbital burnishing
- orbital flight
- orbital station
- orbital welding
- order of drives switch-on
- organizational and economic mechanism of functioning
- orientation parameters
- orifice
- orthogonal basis
- orthogonal polynomials
- orthotropic shell
- oscillating burnishing
- oscillating electrode tool
- oscillating rotation
- oscillation
- oscillation amplitude
- oscillation amplitude of the waveguide
- oscillation angle
- oscillation frequency
- oscillation modes
- oscillation of thread forming surfaces
- oscillation prevention
- oscillator
- outer shell
- output link
- output link positioning
- oval gearwheels
- overall transmission loss (OTL)
- overall width of the corridor
- overhead power line
- overhead power transmission lines
- overlap factor
- overlapping device
- overload
- overtightening
- oxide film
- oxygen-hydrogen propulsion system
- oxygen-kerosene
- oxygen-methane
- PDM-system
- PI-controller
- PID control law
- PID controller
- PID-controller
- PIM design materials
- PLM Teamcenter
- PLM-system
- PLM-technologies
- Pareto diagram
- Paris equation
- Paris law
- Personalities
- Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor
- Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensors
- Pismennyi cycle
- Plücker coordinates
- Pluecker coordinates
- Prandtl number
- Prandtl’s criterion
- Prigogine theorem
- Prigozhin theorem
- pallet separator
- pallet speed
- pan precession gear
- panel
- panoramic speckle interferometry
- parabolic surface
- parachute container hatch cover
- parachute container hatch door
- parallel assembly
- parallel axes of rotation
- parallel calculations
- parallel computing
- parallel kinematics
- parallel mechanism
- parallel mechanisms
- parallel performance of works
- parallel robot
- parallel structure
- parallel structure mechanism
- parallel- serial structure
- parallel-cross structure mechanism
- parallel-sequential structure mechanism
- parallel-serial structure manipulator
- parallel-shaft gearbox
- parallel-structure mechanism
- parallelepiped
- parameter
- parameter diagnostics
- parameter estimations
- parameter optimization
- parameterization
- parameterized model
- parameters
- parameters along the stage height
- parameters optimization
- parameters profiles
- parametric algebraic model
- parametric differential model
- parametric excitation
- parametric excitations
- parametric interpolation
- parametric optimization
- parametric oscillations
- parametric resonance
- parametric vibrations
- parametrical synthesis
- parison tube swaging
- part
- part accuracy
- part load
- part of low pressure
- part sizes
- partial pressure
- partially wetting liquid
- partially-dynamic heat insulation
- particle approach
- particle crystallization
- particle method
- parts planes
- passenger jet
- passive safety
- passive stabilization
- patenting
- path
- path control
- path parameters
- path parameters of movements
- path smoothing
- payload
- peakless cutter
- pearlite
- pellet mill
- pellet press
- pellets
- penalty function
- pendulum scribing
- penetration mechanism
- percent reduction
- percentage reduction
- perforation
- performance
- performance agility
- performance correction factor
- perimeter of the waveguide’s working end face
- period of life
- period of stability
- periodic folds
- peritricha
- permanent deformation
- permanent joints
- permanent magnet
- permanent way
- permeability
- permi s s ible level
- permissible radial force
- permissible wing deflection
- permittivity
- perpendicular axes of rotation
- personnel
- petals
- petroleum diesel fuel
- phase
- phase (structural) transformations
- phase current pulsations
- phase separator
- phase space
- phase transition
- phase-chronometric method
- phase-chronometric method of diagnostics
- phenol-formaldehyde resin
- phenolformaldehyde binder
- physical and mathematical modeling
- physical and mechanical properties
- physical modeling
- physical principle of action
- physical principle of operation
- physical simulation
- piezo-ceramic transducer
- piezoelectric transducer
- piezoelectric valve
- pilot-aircraft system
- pin frameworks
- pin profile
- pinion
- pipeline
- pipeline dynamic parameters
- pipeline fittings
- pipeline oscillation forms
- pipeline stability
- pipeline valves
- pipes and profiles manufacture
- piston
- piston compressor
- piston edge
- piston engine
- piston hybrid power machine
- piston long stroke stages
- piston pump
- piston ring
- piston skirt profile
- piston stage
- pitch marks
- plain bearings
- plain curved rod
- planar and spatial mechanical systems
- planar and spatial systems of mechanisms, trusses and robots
- planar mechanism
- planar mechanisms
- planar motion
- planar movement
- plane graph
- plane motion dynamics
- plane motion without slip
- plane wave
- plane winding
- planet gear
- planetary cycloid gear
- planetary gear
- planetary gear set
- planetary gearbox
- planetary mechanism
- planetary reduction gear
- planetary roller screw mechanism
- planetary roller-screw mechanism
- planetary roller-screw train
- planetary rotary hydraulic machine
- planetary thread rolling
- planetary train
- planimetric ultrasonic welding
- planimetric wave guide
- planimetric waveguide
- planned-altitudinal position
- planning
- plant capacity
- plasma Spot Welding
- plasma arch
- plasma frequency
- plasma oxide coating
- plasma oxide coatings
- plasma spraying
- plasma torch
- plastic bearings
- plastic casing
- plastic deformation
- plastic deformation depth
- plastic deformations
- plastic environment with cohesion and friction
- plastic forming
- plastic imprint
- plastic indent
- plastic material
- plastic state
- plastic strain
- plasticity
- plasticity and creep of material
- plate
- plate frequency-response experiment
- plate theory.
- platelet concentrate
- platform manipulators
- plunger pair
- pneumatic actuator
- pneumatic and hydraulic drive
- pneumatic automation elements
- pneumatic forming
- pneumatic regulators
- pneumatic system
- pneumatic systems
- pneumatic unit
- pneumatic vacuum tests
- pneumatic wheels
- pneumoelectric controllers
- pneumomuscle dynamic characteristics
- point of contact
- point of reception and transmission of information
- point-method
- points of increase
- polycontact interaction
- polydisperse solid waste
- polyethylene can
- polygon mesh
- polygonal holes
- polyimide film
- polymer composite
- polymer composite material
- polymer composite materials
- polymer film
- polymer films
- polymer layer
- polymer materials
- polymer-composite material
- polymeric composite material
- polymeric composite materials
- polymeric films
- polymerization and viscosity binding
- polymerization time
- polynomial
- polynomial equation
- polynomial equations
- polyurethane
- polyurethane shock absorbers
- pores
- porosity
- porous material impregnation time
- porous materials
- porous mesh metal
- porous metal
- porous metallic material
- porous metals
- porous net materials
- porous structures
- porous wire mesh (porous net material)
- position force control
- position function
- position holding
- positional control system
- positional pneumatic drive
- positional tolerance
- positioner
- positioning accuracy
- positioning error
- positive displacement pump efficiency
- possibility of failure
- potassium dihydrogen phosphate
- potential and follower loads
- powder coatings
- powder deposition
- powder injection molding
- powder layer
- powder material
- powder products
- powder prototyping technology
- powders
- power
- power accumulator
- power analysis of mechanism
- power and coupling characteristic
- power assembly
- power calculation
- power characteristic
- power characteristic of a macromolecule
- power consumption
- power control
- power drive
- power efficiency
- power equipment
- power intensity
- power interaction of links
- power losses
- power plant
- power plants
- power regression equation
- power screw
- power source
- power station
- power structure
- power thrust ratio
- power tool spindle
- power turbine
- power unit
- pre-tension
- precise equipment
- precise surface
- precision control
- precision of clutch parts
- precision time measurement
- prediction
- prediction of industrial programs
- prediction of science and technology development for the sake of the Russian Federation defense and safety
- predictive control
- prefabricated cutter
- preliminary designing
- preloaded rod
- press
- press connection
- press fit connection
- press mold
- press roller
- pressing by the FMEA method
- pressure
- pressure and contact area
- pressure angle
- pressure casting
- pressure characteristics
- pressure control valve
- pressure couplings
- pressure distribution
- pressure drop
- pressure field
- pressure fluctuation
- pressure loading
- pressure pulsation
- pressure pulsations
- pressure ratio
- pressure recovery factor
- pressure regulator
- pressure sensor
- pressure vessel
- pressure vessels
- pressure welding
- pressurization systems
- pressurized water reactors
- prevention of deposit formation
- primary design
- principle of possible displacements
- principles of participant selection
- principles of technical creativity
- prismatic bars
- prismatic beam
- probabilistic characteristics
- probabilistic interference
- probabilistic mathematical modeling
- probabilistic method
- probabilistic model
- probabilistic performance evalu-ation
- probability
- probability characteristics
- probability density function
- probability estimates
- probability of defects formation
- probability of failure operation
- probability of failure-free operation
- procedure
- process automation
- process conditions
- process line
- process modules
- process of heat emission
- process of sediment formation
- process optimization
- process precision control
- process stability
- processing cost price
- processing efficiency
- processing equipment
- processing of hard alloys
- processing productivity
- processing step and working operations
- processing time and interference resistance of digital equipment
- product defect risk
- product life cycle
- product lifecycle
- product lifecycle management (PLM)
- production
- production and logistics system
- production and technological capabilities
- production capacity
- production design engineering
- production dynamics
- production hardware and technological design
- production operation
- production planning
- production prototype
- production scheduling
- production tests
- productive capacity
- productivity calculation method
- professional competence
- profile
- profile angle
- profile curvature
- profile radius of the tool
- profiling law
- profiling of the flutes
- prognostic type of control logic
- program trajectory
- programming for combined operations
- project
- project management
- proof load
- prop
- propagation velocity of detonation wave front
- propane-butane mixture
- propellant
- propeller
- proportional control
- proportional integral differential regulator
- proportional regulator
- proportional valve
- proportional-integral-differential regulator
- propulsion system
- protection against low-frequency oscillation
- protection device
- protection environment
- protective device
- prototype
- prototyping
- pseudo-random number
- psychological climate
- pulsation process
- pulse continuously variable transmission
- pulse correction
- pulse mechanism
- pulse mode
- pulse turbine
- pulse-vacuum system
- pulsed laser
- pulsed laser treatment
- pulsed mode
- pump
- pump controller
- pump efficiency
- pump equipment
- pump housing
- pump housing oscillations
- pump section
- pumping air with impurities
- pumping characteristics
- pumping speed
- pumps connection scheme
- pumps operation optimization
- pure bending
- pyramidal filler
- QR Code
- quadruple walking robot
- qualitative indicators
- quality
- quality characteristics
- quality control
- quality function
- quality indicators
- quality of a surface
- quality of connections
- quality of education
- quality of machined surface
- quality of machining
- quality parameters of surface layer
- quantity of cutting tools in a turret
- quantity of movement
- quantum mechanical calculations
- quartile latitude
- quartz halogen lamps
- quasi-Newton method
- quasi-isothermal workflow
- quasi-plastic cutting
- quasi-static forces
- quasi-stationary distribution of temperature
- quasi-stationary effects
- quaternion
- quench temperature
- queueing theory
- queuing system
- RF-magnetron sputtering
- Rankine cycle
- Redlich-Kwong equation
- Regulation for roll-over protection R-111
- Reynolds equation
- Reynolds’s criterion
- Robotic Operating System
- Roman artillery
- Roots blower
- Roots pump
- Russian scientists
- raceway
- racing car
- rack
- rack and pinion gear
- rack and pinion steering gear
- radar survey
- radial and tangential reactions
- radial clearance
- radial compressor
- radial deformation
- radial displacement
- radial end milling cutter
- radial forging
- radial outlet
- radial slits
- radial thrust bearing
- radial-axial (centripetal) turbine
- radial-shear rolling
- radiant-convective heat exchange
- radiating emitter
- radiation flux
- radiation heating
- radiation- conductive heat transfer
- radiative and convective heat exchange
- radiator grille
- radio engineering characteristics
- radioactive isotope
- radioactive waste
- radiography
- rail
- rail track
- railroad rails
- railway car shunting
- ram jet
- ramjet
- ramjet engine
- random geo-metry
- random geometry
- random load conditions
- random loading
- random loading mode
- random loads
- random parameters
- random process
- random processes
- random value
- random vibrations
- rapeseed oil
- rarefied atmosphere
- rate of brushes movement
- rate sensor
- rational algorithm
- rational contact conditions
- rational design
- rational technological modes
- reentry trajectory design
- reaction degree
- reactions
- reactive gas
- real element
- real gas
- real thermodynamic properties
- reaming
- rear angle
- rear axle skid
- receiver
- reciprocating compressor
- reciprocating compressor; capacity regulation; suction gas temperature; regulation depth; shaft speed
- reciprocating hybrid power machine
- reciprocating motor
- reciprocating pump
- reciprocating rotational motion
- reconfigurable equipment
- recovery force
- recovery systems
- rectangular annular step
- rectangular cell
- rectangular rib
- rectangular-cellular seals
- rectilinear equilibrium form
- rectilinear rod stability
- recuperative heat-exchange apparatus
- recurrent algorithm
- recycler
- recycling
- reduced model
- reducing gear
- reduction gear
- reduction methods
- reduction of the spherical tank nomenclature
- reduction rate
- reduction rate of mesh briquette
- redundant connections
- redundant constraints
- redundant links
- reentry spacecraft
- reentry vehicle
- reference block
- reference point.
- reference process
- reference station
- reflection high-energy electron diffraction
- reflectivity
- reflectors of space antennas
- refrigerant
- refrigerating with recuperative heat exchangers
- regeneration
- regenerative cooling system
- regenerative heat exchange
- regenerative heat exchanger
- regenerative self-excitation
- registration
- regression analysis
- regression models
- regular structures
- regulator
- reinforcement pattern
- reinforcing fiber
- relationship between the continuous temperature change of a product and step change of the nitrogen pressure
- relative deviation
- relative efficiency
- relative elongation of the blades
- relative hysteresis
- relative indicated efficiency
- relative mesh lengthening
- relative motion
- relative shear
- relative speed
- relative velocity
- relaxation of contact interaction
- relay satellite
- reliability
- reliability of a machine foundation
- reliability of freewheeling clutch
- reliability theory
- reliability.
- remote control
- remotely operated underwater vehicle
- repair complex
- repair of honeycomb constructions
- replaceable cutting plates
- representative volume element
- requirement matrix
- requirements engineering
- rescue device
- research and development (R&D)
- reservation
- reservoir fluid
- residual compressive stresses
- residual cross-section
- residual life
- residual stress
- residual stresses
- residual welding stresses
- resilient bodies
- resilient resource
- resilientlyplastic deformation
- resistance
- resistance modulus
- resistivity
- resistivity index
- resonance
- resonance test
- resonance vibrations
- resonant cavity
- resonant characteristics
- resonant frequencies
- resonant frequency
- resonant length of a waveguide
- resonant modes
- resonant orbit
- resonator
- resource
- resource assessment technique
- resources allocation
- respiratory systems
- response function
- response surface
- responsiveness system
- restorability
- restoration
- restoration of machine parts
- restoration of parts
- restoring coatings
- restricted cutting
- restrictive ring
- retardation
- retrograde-precession mode
- retroreflector complex
- retroreflector system
- return channel
- reusable space vehicle
- reusable spacecraft
- reversal torque
- reverse burnishing
- reverse friction
- reverse motion
- reverse rotation speed
- reversible surface plastic deformation
- review
- rheological model
- rheological models
- rheological properties
- rhombic mechanism
- rib
- ribs
- ride quality
- rigid body dynamics
- rigid elastic coupling
- rigid gear
- rigid panels
- rigid plastics
- rigid wheel
- rigidity
- rigidity and accuracy parameters
- rigidity of parts
- rigidity of the coupling
- ring die
- ring flutes
- ring power drive
- ring spring package
- ring wave generator
- rivet joint
- road pavement restoration
- road train
- road transportation
- road-tankers
- roadholding ability
- robot
- robot dynamics equation
- robot-assisted surgery
- robotic device
- robotic group
- robotic system
- robotic systems
- robotic technology systems
- robotics
- robots
- robust algorithm
- robust control system
- rocket
- rocket and space systems
- rocket and space technology
- rocket engine
- rocket fuel
- rockets
- rod bundle
- rod element
- rod of circular cross section
- rod suspension point
- rod system deployment
- rod torsion
- rod with the elastic joint
- rod-end linear motor
- rodless pneumatic actuator
- roll forming
- roll pass
- roll turning
- rolled profiles
- roller
- roller assembly
- roller bearing
- roller coaster
- roller free-wheel mechanism
- roller freewheel mechanism
- roller-screw mechanism
- rollerscrew mechanism
- rolling
- rolling angle
- rolling bearing
- rolling body
- rolling periodicity
- rolling stock
- rolls
- root-mean-square deviation.
- roots of characteristic equations
- rotary broaching
- rotary forging of bars
- rotary honing
- rotary motion
- rotary piston engine
- rotary screw driver
- rotary vibration test bench
- rotary-screw propeller
- rotating disk
- rotating roller-support
- rotating tool
- rotation motion
- rotation speed
- rotational angle of the working tool
- rotational drawing
- rotational speed
- rotational speed automatic control system
- rotor
- rotor balancing
- rotor blades
- rotor blades bandage
- rotor imbalance
- rotor position sensor control
- rotor resonance
- rotor speed and position
- rotor vibration diagnostics
- rotor-stator system
- rough irregular surface
- roughing mill
- roughness
- roughness and micro-hardness
- roughness class
- roughness parameters
- roughness reduction
- round billet
- round disc
- round grinding
- round leaks
- round product
- round thread
- route process
- routing
- rubber
- rubber elastic elements
- rubber-cord pneumatic spring
- rubber-metal shock absorber
- run flat system
- run time
- running wheels
- rupture-start time moment
- STIG technology
- Schmidt finite difference method
- Schwartz method
- SimHydraulics library
- SimMechanics
- Simulink
- Simulink/Simscape environment
- Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
- Stirling engine
- Strouhal number
- safety
- safety device
- safety factor
- safety tire insert
- salaries
- saline deposit
- salt sediment
- sample
- sample cross-section
- sample porosity
- sample surface layer
- sample testing
- sandwich panels
- sandwich structure
- satellite
- satellite axle deformation
- satellite constellation; continuous coverage; near-Earth space coverage; kinematically regular mono-structures
- satellite laser ranging
- satellite support bearings
- satellite-repeater
- saturation
- saw blade
- saw unit
- sawmill machine
- scale
- scale factor
- scale model
- scale models
- scaling effects
- scanning in functions of numbers
- scanning microscopy
- scattering field of master link dimension
- schedule of repairs
- scheduling theory
- scheme
- scientific work
- screw
- screw calculus
- screw compressor
- screw cylindrical spring
- screw driver
- screw nut
- screw surface
- screw theory
- screw turn contact
- screw vacuum pump
- screw-nut gear rolling
- screwing torque
- scroll
- scroll potentiometer
- scroll pump
- scroll vacuum pump
- sealing areas
- sealing surface
- seam
- search design
- search method efficiency
- searching for model parameters
- seat
- secant method
- second-order surface
- secondary stiffness
- security features
- sedimentation similarity criterion
- segmented chips
- seismic
- seismic impact
- seismic loading
- seismic loads
- selecting equipment configuration
- selective control
- selective laser melting
- self-acting valve
- self-adjusting bearing shells
- self-adjusting lever mechanisms
- self-aligning lever mechanisms
- self-aligning mechanisms
- self-braking
- self-braking allowance
- self-braking criteria
- self-braking rack and pinion gears
- self-coordination method
- self-correction step method
- self-delivery
- self-locking conditions
- self-locking properties
- self-locking thread Spiralock
- self-oscillating process
- self-oscillations
- self-propelled boom crane
- self-retardation
- self-retarding gears
- semantic technology
- semi-solid material
- semi-active suspension control system
- semi-automatic CAD
- semi-automatic sewing
- semi-elliptical crack
- semi-open axial-radial impeller
- semi-permanent operating proportional regulator
- semi-permanent proportional regulator
- semi-solid material
- semi-trailer truck
- semiconductor
- semielliptical crack
- sensing elements
- sensitive designs
- sensitivity
- sensitivity function
- sensitivity of pneumo-optical transducer
- sensor
- sensor calibration
- sensorless control
- sensors of rapidly changing pressure
- separation efficiency
- separation of variables
- separation process
- sequence of gravity assist maneuvers
- sequential linearization method
- serial production
- serpentine spring clutch
- serrated cutting edge
- service life
- service life of transmission elements
- servo control
- servo drive
- set of states
- sewing head model
- shadow element method
- shaft
- shaft diameter
- shafts
- shakedown limit
- shall stability
- shape and amplitude of the phase current
- shape and location error.
- shape functions
- shape memory alloy
- shape memory effect
- shape optimization
- shaped disc cutter
- shaped nut
- shaped rollers
- shaping accuracy
- shaping filter
- shear
- shear angle
- shear force
- shear load
- shear strength
- shear stress
- shear stresses
- shear-bar knife
- shearing stress
- sheet billet
- sheet blank rolling
- sheet forming
- sheet forming method
- sheet material
- sheet materials
- sheet metal heating
- sheet punching
- sheet stamping by elastic medium
- sheet steel
- sheet workpiece
- sheet-metal stamping
- shell
- shell form-factor
- shell of revolution
- shell stability
- shell testing stand
- shipbuilding
- shock pulse
- shock tests
- shock viscosity
- shock wave
- shock wave visualization
- shock-absorbing device
- shock-jet nozzle
- short basalt fibers
- short duration creep
- shortening
- shot peening
- shoulder
- shrinkage
- shrinkage of weld
- shunting diesel locomotive
- shut-off and control valves
- shut-off valves
- shutter
- signal
- silastic
- silicon
- silicon carbide
- similarity
- simple openlooped kinematic chains
- simplest flow
- simplest flow of requests
- simulated modeling
- simulation
- simulation base models
- simulation error
- simulation model
- simulation modeling
- simulation modelling
- simulation of deployment of space structures
- simulation of working processes
- single bolted joint
- single crystal
- single grain
- single track
- single-circuit graph model
- single-cutter and single-side machines
- single-point diamond turning
- single-stage axial flow fan
- single-stage start-up
- singular position
- singularities
- singularity
- sinter production
- sintercorundum wheels
- skills
- slab heating
- slide gate valve
- slide valve
- slider crank mechanism
- sliding friction
- sliding speed
- slip resistant shear joint
- slipping
- slope
- slot channel conductivity
- slot seal
- slot-hole leaks
- slug temperature
- small businesses
- small dents
- small diameter pipelines
- small enterprises
- small enterprises businesses
- small oscillations
- small power engineering
- small ship
- small spacecraft
- small upper stage
- small-size turbine
- small-step tension
- smooth regular surface
- smoothed particle method
- soft shell
- software
- software package
- software system
- software system verification
- software systems
- software systems verification
- software tools
- soil
- soil mechanics
- solar cell
- solar sail
- solar thermal collector
- soldering seam strength
- solenoid valve
- solid
- solid body
- solid fuel rocket engine
- solid hydrocarbon fuel
- solid lubricant coatings
- solid lubricating coatings
- solid material processing
- solid propellant engine
- solid support base
- solidification metal and alloy
- solids of revolution
- solution of the Hertz problem
- sonotrode vibration amplitude
- soot formation
- sound absorbing materials
- sound generation
- sound power level
- sound pressure level
- sound-absorbing plates
- soundproofing
- soybean oil
- space and rocket industry
- space debris
- space debris collector
- space ship
- space telescope
- space tourism
- space vehicle
- space-rocket technique
- spacecraft
- spacecraft platforms
- spacecraft shielding
- spacer grid
- spark ignition
- sparking-out
- spars
- spatial dynamic model
- spatial flow around bodies
- spatial four-link mechanism
- spatial handling system
- spatial helical rod
- spatial lever mechanism
- spatial mechanism
- spatial motion dynamics
- spatial orientation
- spatial system of tactile monitoring
- spatial three-link mechanism
- spatially curved rod
- special provisions
- special situations
- specialist degree program
- specialist training
- specific defects
- specific efficient fuel consumption
- specific energy
- specific energy absorption
- specific energy indicators
- specific energy per weight
- specific fuel consumption
- specific fuel consumption.
- specific gravity
- specific heat flux
- specific impulse
- specific mass
- specific power value
- specific strength
- specific thermal power
- spectral characteristics
- spectral composition of vibration
- spectral density
- spectrum
- speed
- speed controller
- speed of action
- speed of tool wear
- spherical ball gear
- spherical cut method
- spherical mechanism
- spindle assembly
- spindle body deformation
- spinning
- spiral channel
- spiral elements
- spiral tube
- spiroid gear
- spline
- spline-approximation
- splitting the spectrum
- spool vacuum pump
- spool valve
- spraying angle
- spring accumulators
- spring relaxation
- spring-loaded rotor
- spur gear
- spur gearbox
- stability
- stability in operation and technical parameters
- stability loss
- stability loss criteria
- stability of mechanical systems
- stability region boundaries
- stability research method
- stabilization algorithm
- stabilization of the vertical reactions of the road
- stabilization of vehicle motion
- stabilization system of the vertical reactions
- stabilized zirconia dioxide
- stabilizer
- stabilizing active suspension
- stacked vane cascade
- stacked workpiece machining
- stacking fault energy
- stage cooling capacity
- stage efficiency
- stage optimization
- stages of grinding
- stainless steel
- standard deviation
- standard movement
- standard problems of design
- standardization of high pressure spherical tanks
- staplers
- start-up numerical modelling system
- starter
- starter motor current
- starter motor operation
- starting
- starting equipment
- starting frequency
- starting system
- state arms program
- state equation
- state vector
- state-public associations
- static
- static analysis
- static and dynamic characteristics
- static characteristics
- static condensation
- static pressure
- static tests on tension
- static three-dimensional model
- static welding pressure
- statics
- station operation algorithm
- stationary base member
- stationary compensator
- stationary problem
- statistical analysis
- statistical distribution
- statistical linearization
- statistical mechanics
- statistical method
- statistical model
- statistical modeling
- statistical simulation
- stator blades
- stator overhang
- steam-turbine unit
- steam screw machine
- steam turbine
- steam turbine installation
- steam turbines
- steel
- steel 316L
- steel bar
- steel powder
- steel strip
- steel vessels
- steel with carbide-intermetallic strengthening
- steel with carbideintermetallic strengthening
- steel with carbide-intermetallic hardening
- steel with carbide-intermetallic strengthening
- steels
- steer
- steering
- steering linkage
- step load
- step movement
- step-by-step animation
- stepped shaft
- stiffness
- stiffness butt joint
- stiffness coefficient
- stiffness matrix
- stiffness of wave guide sections
- stimulation of gas production
- stitching of dry performs
- stochastic model
- stochastic process
- stoichiometric GTE
- stoichiometric turbojet engine
- storage systems
- stored energy
- straight-line motion
- straight-through and direct-flow valves
- straightening device
- strain
- strain distribution
- strain gauges
- strain hardening
- strains
- straple
- strength
- strength
- strength analysis
- strength at compression
- strength at shift
- strength calculation
- strength characteristic
- strength characteristics
- strength criterion
- strength of a combined structure
- strength of welded joints
- strength reliability
- strength-to-weight ratio
- strengthening coefficient
- strengthening of bushings
- stressstrained state
- stress
- stress analysis
- stress concentration
- stress concentration factor
- stress cracks
- stress distribution
- stress intensity
- stress intensity factor
- stress intensity factors
- stress limit
- stress loading
- stress relaxation
- stress state
- stress state of the shell.
- stress-strain state
- stress-strain diagram
- stress-strain diagrams
- stress-strain state
- stressedly-deformed parts
- stresses
- stringer
- strip with circular cut
- stripe
- structural analysis
- structural analysis and synthesis
- structural and technological parameters
- structural arrangement
- structural ceramics
- structural characteristics
- structural components
- structural dynamics
- structural elements
- structural fillers
- structural formula
- structural formulas
- structural frame
- structural kinematic scheme
- structural layout
- structural material
- structural mathematical model
- structural optimization
- structural power structure
- structural steel
- structural synthesis
- structural synthesis and analysis
- structural transformations
- structural-functional modeling
- structure
- structure and contents of a professional training of personnel
- structure factor
- structure monitoring
- structure of the external column
- structure synthesis
- structure-born noise
- structures synthesis
- stylus profilometry
- subcooled boiling
- subharmonic vibration
- submerged arc welding
- submersible centrifugal pump
- submersible electric motor
- submicron displacement
- subscriber and inter-satellite links
- subsonic regime
- substrate
- substructure
- substructure method
- successive loading method
- suction zone
- sulfuric acid transportation
- sunflower oil
- superalloys
- supercharged engines
- superconducting bearing
- supercritical area
- supercritical carbon dioxide
- superimposed connections
- superrich oxygen-methane fuel
- supersonic aeroelasticity
- supersonic air intake device
- supersonic ejector
- supersonic flow
- supersonic speed
- supplied power
- supply chain reliability
- support
- support stiffness asymmetry
- support surface
- support unit
- support vibrations amplitude
- supporting base
- sur-face plastic deformation
- surface defects
- surface grinding
- surface hardening
- surface layer
- surface layer hardness
- surface layer quality
- surface macrostructure
- surface micro-hardness
- surface model
- surface modification
- surface morphology
- surface plastic deformation
- surface quality
- surface recovery
- surface roughness
- surface roughness of the supporting plate
- surface smoothness and wear resistance
- surfaces of the second order
- surfacing
- surfactants
- surge
- surge limit
- surge vibrations
- surgical suture
- surrogate method
- surviv-ability and impact resistance
- survivability
- suspension
- suspension application
- suspension geometry active control
- suspension geometry active control system
- suspension geometry of the car
- suspension methods
- suspension parameters
- suspension system
- suspension, composite, fiberglass, wheeled vehicle, finite element method, strength, life time
- swaging
- swarm intelligent
- swarms of autonomous underwater vehicles
- swirl angle
- switched reluctance electric machines
- switched reluctance motor
- symbiotic approach
- symmetric loading
- symmetry of structure
- synchronizer
- synergetic coordination
- synergetic effect
- synthesis
- synthesis algorithm
- synthesis of control systems
- synthesis of mechanisms
- synthesis of robust control
- synthesis of structures
- synthesized mechanism
- synthetic corundum
- synthetic fabrics
- system
- system architecture engineering
- system calibration
- system energy efficiency
- system evolution
- system lifecycle
- system of equations
- system oscillations
- system parameters
- systematic error
- systemic-structural model
- T-stresses
- TVD scheme
- Traction Control
- Treloar potential
- tail section
- tangential cutting insert
- tangential exit nozzles
- tangential turning
- tank with antifreeze
- tap
- tape spring
- teaching method
- technical and economic efficiency
- technical ceramics
- technical condition
- technical creativity
- technical diagnostics
- technical object
- technical preparing
- technical solution
- technical system
- technical work
- technological and organizational design
- technological complex
- technological control
- technological costs
- technological deformation
- technological development
- technological equipment
- technological factors (parameters)
- technological gap
- technological geometry
- technological layout
- technological machines
- technological methods of soldering
- technological model
- technological operation structure
- technological parameters
- technological parameters of the process
- technological precision
- technological primitive things
- technological process
- technological solution
- technological support
- technological support of production
- technological system
- technological welding machine
- technology
- technology efficiency
- teeth interference
- teeth slippage
- teeth wearing
- temperature
- temperature conditions of the structure
- temperature deformation
- temperature drop
- temperature field
- temperature fields
- temperature fluctuation
- temperature preparation
- temperature recovery factor
- temperature regime of the engine
- temperature state simulation
- tempered steel
- temporary realization
- tensegrity drone
- tensile cable
- tensile strength
- tensile testing machine
- tension-fracture curve
- tension
- tension force
- tension of radio-reflecting mesh
- tensometric element
- tensor representation
- tensor-polynomial formulation
- terahertz radiation
- test
- test bench
- test engineering
- test experiment
- test gyroscopic model
- test load method
- test methods
- test sampling
- test sensitivity
- test stand
- testing
- testing bench
- testing device
- testing machine
- tests
- texture
- the amplitude of the bottom signal
- the biped walking robot
- the expectation
- the first tone of resonant vibration
- the geometrically nonlinear model
- the limits of the friction coefficient variation
- the normal force
- the permissible stress
- the principle of possible displacements
- the problem of heat conduction and thermo-elastic-visco-plasticity
- the root seam
- the share of payload
- the stress-strain state
- the time of orbital flight
- the transformation matrix
- the treelike executive mechanism
- theoretical loading factor
- theoretical mechanics
- theoretical pressure coefficient
- theory
- theory of Mechanisms and Machines
- thermadynamic calculation
- thermal acoustic self-oscillations of pressure
- thermal analysis
- thermal and hydraulic characteristics
- thermal anemometer
- thermal annealing
- thermal barrier ceramic coating
- thermal boundary layer
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductivity coefficient
- thermal conductivity equation
- thermal conductivity method
- thermal control system
- thermal control systems
- thermal cutting machines
- thermal cycle
- thermal cycles
- thermal cycling
- thermal deformation
- thermal deformations
- thermal destruction
- thermal effectiveness
- thermal effects
- thermal efficiency
- thermal energy
- thermal factor emf
- thermal loading
- thermal loads
- thermal mode
- thermal power plant (TPP)
- thermal preparation
- thermal processes
- thermal processes during welding
- thermal protection
- thermal protection coating
- thermal protection system
- thermal regime support system
- thermal resistance
- thermal rocket
- thermal shields
- thermal sprayed coating
- thermal spraying
- thermal state
- thermal state modeling of combustion chamber walls
- thermal temporary and residual stresses
- thermal-physical properties
- thermodynamic calculation
- thermodynamic cyc
- thermodynamic system
- thermodynamics of irreversible processes
- thermoelectric generator
- thermomechanical analysis
- thermonuclear experimental reactor
- thermophysical properties of ethylene
- thermos-elastic-plasticity
- thermosiphon radiator
- thermostressed state
- thickness measurement
- thickness of a wound layer
- thickness of cut layer
- thickness of the cut layer
- thinwalled component
- thin film thickness
- thin films thickness
- thin infinitely long shell
- thin-wall
- thin-walled part
- thin-walled shell
- thixoforging
- threadcutting tool
- thread
- thread accuracy
- thread cutting
- thread durability
- thread forming tool
- thread friction coefficient
- thread milling
- thread milling cutter
- thread milling kinematic scheme
- thread milling model
- thread milling simulation
- thread profile
- thread properties
- thread rollers
- thread shaping
- thread simulation
- thread surface hardness
- thread testing
- thread trimming
- thread wear
- thread-cutting head
- thread-milling cutter
- threaded connection
- threaded joint
- threaded joints
- threaded pair
- threading
- three phase contact
- three-component force measurement sensor
- three-coordinate milling
- three-dimensional flux.
- three-dimensional model
- three-dimensional shaping
- three-dimensional thermal and gas-dynamic modeling
- three-dimensional velocity distribution
- three-joint link
- three-layer beam
- three-layer structure
- three-link pendulum
- three-parameter law
- three-phase fuel supply
- three-phase installation
- three-piston pump
- three-point wheel-legged robot
- three-roll helical rolling mill
- throat thickness
- throttle characteristics
- throttle performance
- throttle shutter
- throttle valve
- throttling device
- through cylindrical channel
- throughput
- throughput capacity
- thrust
- thrust bearing
- thrust coefficient
- thrust disk
- thyristor key
- tightening error
- tightening force
- tightening torque
- tightness
- tightness assessment
- tilt angle
- time
- time between movements
- time fund
- time of flight
- time of track passage
- time to switch a turret with cutting tools
- tire
- tire geometry
- tire pressure
- tire stiffness
- tire temperature
- tire traction
- titanium
- titanium alloy
- titanium alloys
- titanium blade
- titanium carbide
- titanium coating
- titanium cylinder
- titanium nickelide
- titanium spherical vessels
- toe-in angle variation
- toein active control system
- toe-in control algorithms
- tolerance
- tolerance field
- tool durability
- tool electrode
- tool electrode wear
- tool holder
- tool joint hardening
- tool life
- tool mark
- tool orientation
- tool radial runout
- tool resistance
- tool setting angles
- tool strength
- tool stress state
- tool wear
- tool wear rate
- tooling
- tools
- tools wear resistance
- tooth pitch angle
- tooth profile
- tooth profile modification
- tooth wear
- tooth width in normal section
- top of grain.
- topological optimization
- topological optimization method
- topology optimization
- toroidal shell generatrix
- torque
- torque distribution
- torque flow pump
- torque oscillations
- torque redistribution
- torque uniformity
- torsion
- torsion diagram
- torsional deformation of the sun gear
- torsional rigidity
- torsional stiffness
- torsional vibration
- torsional vibrations
- total emissions
- total error
- total leakage
- total pressure loss
- total thermal efficiency of the welding process
- total thrust
- total wave function
- toughening factors
- toughness
- towing force
- towing mode
- track
- tracked vehicle acceleration
- tracking mode
- traction
- traction mode
- traction motor
- traction properties of flexible bodies
- traction switched reluctance electric drive
- tractor movement on a slope
- trailer hitch
- train
- training
- training and production passport
- training program
- trajectories
- trajectories of the shape generating movements
- trajectory
- trajectory approximation
- trajectory control
- trajectory curvature
- trajectory planning
- trajectory stability
- transfer function
- transformable rod system
- transformable space structures
- transformable structure
- transformation matrices
- transformation matrix
- transformation order
- transient
- transient cycle
- transient flow behavior
- transient mode
- transient process
- transient processes
- transition channel
- transition probability
- transitional characteristics
- transitional process
- translational and rotational motions
- translational guiding mechanism
- translatory rotational speed
- transmission
- transmission lifetime prediction
- transmission loss
- transmission ratio
- transmission reliability
- transonic flow
- transport and installation equipment
- transport container
- transportation and handling de-vice
- transportation of components
- transverse bending
- transverse burnishing
- transverse contact ratio
- transverse roughness
- transverse separation
- transverse vibrations of the chain
- travel motor
- tread
- tread rubber
- tree-like actuator
- tree-like kinematic scheme
- triangular slot
- triboadaptivity principle
- tribocoupling reliability
- tribodynamics
- tribological characteristics
- tribological characteristics of contact
- tribological parameters
- tribology
- tribometric system.
- tribotechnical characteristics
- tribotechnical indicators
- triple frequency splitting
- tripod type kinematics
- trochoid compressor
- trochoid rotary machine
- truck cabin
- truncated pericycloid
- trunk pipeline welding machine
- truss
- truss space antenna
- tubular billet
- tubular billets
- tubular finite elements
- tungsten carbide
- tungsten electrode durability
- tungsten inert gas welding
- tunnel-type shock absorber
- turbine
- turbine blade
- turbine blade root
- turbine characteristics
- turbine converter
- turbine disk
- turbine efficiency
- turbine flow generator
- turbine flow meter
- turbine flow passage
- turbine oil
- turbine stage
- turbo generator vibration control
- turbo machines
- turbo unit oil supply
- turbo-compressor
- turbo-expanding unit
- turbocharger
- turbocharger control
- turbocharger rotor
- turbojet engine
- turbomachine
- turbomachinery reliable operation
- turbopump unit
- turbulence
- turbulence model
- turbulence models
- turbulent combustion
- turbulent flow
- turbulent gas flow
- turbulent heat flux
- turning
- turning diameter
- turning efficiency
- turret with cutting tools
- twin-shaft engines
- twosided lapping
- two suction valves
- two surface theory of plasticity
- two-amplitude eccentric
- two-axes rotary table
- two-axle vehicle
- two-axle wheeled vehicle
- two-equation model
- two-handed robot
- two-parameter antenna
- two-phase boiling coolant
- two-phase flow
- two-phase fuel composition
- two-radial roller
- two-radius roller
- two-rotor vacuum pump
- two-sided heating
- two-stage cryostat
- two-stroke cycle
- type of a forming
- type synthesis
- types of kinematic pairs
- typical mission
- U-bend
- Uzawa method
- ultimate load
- ultimate strength
- ultra-jet
- ultra-high injection pressure
- ultra-jet
- ultra-jet diagnostics
- ultra-jet impact
- ultra-jet materials processing
- ultra-precision cutting edge machining
- ultra-precision machining
- ultra-precision processing
- ultrahigh temperature
- ultrajet
- ultrajet processing
- ultralight launch vehicle
- ultralow power turbine
- ultrasonic control
- ultrasonic cutting
- ultrasonic equipment
- ultrasonic flaw detection
- ultrasonic flow meter
- ultrasonic formation
- ultrasonic frequency
- ultrasonic molding
- ultrasonic oscillatory systems
- ultrasonic pulse duration
- ultrasonic seam welding
- ultrasonic testing
- ultrasonic treatment
- ultrasonic vibration frequency
- ultrasonic vibrations amplitude
- ultrasonic wave
- ultrasonic wave frequency
- ultrasonic welding
- ultrasonic welding waveguide
- unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating
- unbalanced magnetron-ion sputtering
- undertightening
- underwater waterjet cutting
- underwater welding
- unetched layer
- uneven fluid supply
- uneven load distribution
- uniaxial and multiaxial stress state
- uniaxial compression
- unidirectional carbon fiber
- unidirectional fiber composite
- unidirectional prepreg
- unification
- unification of a high-pressure spherical tanks
- unification of control plans
- unified information blocks
- uniform flash alternation
- uniformity of fluid supply
- unit injector
- united center for the organization and management of the main types of technical creativity
- universal means of vibration protection
- universal representation of constitutive relations
- unloading
- unlocking mode
- unmanned aircraft
- unmanned electric helicopter
- unsteady
- unsteady flow
- unsteady state modes
- unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
- unsymmetrical laying of yarns.
- upsetting
- V-shaped engine
- VVER-440 reactor
- Van der Waals equation
- v2v scheme
- vacuum
- vacuum arc soldering
- vacuum at the suction
- vacuum conditions
- vacuum density
- vacuum melting
- vacuum method
- vacuum pump
- vacuum technology
- valve
- valve atomizer
- valve design
- valve tightness
- valve train
- valve unit
- vane diffuser
- vaned diffuser
- vaneless diffuser
- vapor bubble
- vapor compression refrigerating cycle.
- variable external loading
- variable gear ratio
- variable load
- variable nozzle assembly
- variable pitch
- variable section blade
- variable stiffness
- variable thickness workpiece
- variable-mass system
- variables profiles
- variants construct
- variation coefficient
- variation of electromagnetic parameters of the phases
- variation of toe
- variator
- vector space
- vehicle
- vehicle ride quality
- vehicle safety
- vehicle stability
- vehicle tire
- veil cooling
- velocity
- velocity and pressure fields
- velocity calculation
- velocity coefficient matrix
- velocity diagram
- velocity field
- velocity hodograph
- velocity oscillations
- velocity vector
- verification and validation
- vertical beds
- vertical channel
- vessel construction improvement
- vessel stability
- vibrating monitoring
- vibration
- vibration activity
- vibration activity criterion
- vibration amplitude
- vibration amplitude of the support
- vibration and noise
- vibration characteristics
- vibration damping
- vibration diagnostics of metal structures
- vibration dynamic stresses
- vibration frequency
- vibration isolation
- vibration isolation of cargo in a container
- vibration isolation system
- vibration isolator with bilinear hysteresis
- vibration of bearings
- vibration protection device
- vibration protection systems
- vibration rate
- vibration signal
- vibration table
- vibration transfer coefficient
- vibrational state
- vibrations
- vibratory roller
- vibroacoustic characteristics
- vibroacoustic diagnostics
- vibroactive forces
- vibrodiagnostics
- vibrogram
- vibrography
- vibromachine
- virtual drive
- virtual instrument
- virtual outline
- virtual reality
- viscoelastic deformations
- viscoelasticity
- viscoelasticity model
- viscous flow behavior
- viscous flow regime
- viscous fracture
- viscous incompressible fluid
- viscous plastic medium
- vision system
- visual interactive analysis method
- visualization
- visualization of body flow
- visualization of fluid flow
- void fraction
- volatile constituents
- volumetric efficiency
- volumetric finite elements
- volute vacuum pump
- vortex element method
- vortex flow meter
- vortex jet device
- vortex loop method
- vortex method
- vortex modes
- vortex motion of metal
- vortex ring
- vortex throttle
- vortex valve
- vortex-type gas separator
- vortex-type pneumatic drive
- vorticity
- WKB method
- WSC-600DJ delta robot
- Wankel engine
- Weibull distribution
- Wiener–Volterra model
- wake vortex
- walking mechanism
- walking mechanisms
- walking robot
- wall bead
- wall temperature
- wall thickness
- wall thickness variation
- warpage of monolithic panels
- water cooling
- water curtain
- water jet cutting
- water ring vacuum pump
- water-jet cutting
- water-ring vacuum pumps
- water-water power reactor (WWER)
- waterjet
- waterjet suspension
- wave coupling
- wave friction gear
- wave gear
- wave gear clutch
- wave gear manufacturing error
- wave gear transmission
- wave gearing
- wave gears
- wave generator
- wave generator of external deformation
- wave generator of internal and external deformation
- wave generator of internal deformation
- wave generators of internal and external deformation
- wave guide strength
- wave process
- wave processes
- wave stepper pneumatic motor
- waveguide
- waveguide oscillation amplitude
- waveguide tool
- waveguide vibration amplitude
- waveguide-and-distribution system
- waviness
- weak section
- wear
- wear and tool life
- wear conditions
- wear intensity
- wear of carbide tool
- wear of friction lining
- wear of the rear surface
- wear rate
- wear resistance
- wear resistance of rubbing surfaces
- wear site
- wear type
- wear-out failure model
- wear-resistant coating
- wear-resistant coating hardness
- wear-resistant coatings
- wedge-press welding
- wedge-shaped workspace
- weight analysis
- weight continuous dosing
- weight efficiency
- weld
- weld joint
- weld of branch pipes
- weld seam
- weld seam defects formation
- weld strength
- welded joint
- welded joint defects
- welded joints
- welded joints structure
- welded seam tightness
- welded structures
- welding
- welding defects
- welding mode
- welding mode parameters
- welding of aluminum alloys
- welding of pipelines
- welding parameters
- welding pressure
- welding process model
- welding rate
- welding seam formation
- welding spatter
- welding speed
- welding static pressure
- welding time
- welding under flux
- well pumping unit
- wet air pumping
- wheel
- wheel alignment control
- wheel lugs
- wheel pair
- wheel slip
- wheel topography
- wheel tractor
- wheel-turning lathes
- wheel-walking propulsion
- wheeled propulsion device
- wheeled tractor
- wheeled vehicle
- wheels axle
- wheels individual drive
- wheelset
- wheelslip coefficient
- white noise
- wick
- width of a welded seam
- width of a winding ribbon
- winding a composite shell
- winding method
- window function
- wing
- wing frame
- wing surface
- wing top skin
- winter all-weather tire
- wire-cutting machine
- work coefficient
- work hardening depth
- work operation
- workability
- workability indicators
- workflow
- working area
- working capacity
- working cavity
- working chamber
- working chamber surface temperature
- working edge of a waveguide
- working face of the waveguide
- working fluid
- working fluid temperature
- working liquid pressure fluctuations
- working media
- working mill rolls
- working process
- working processes
- working surface
- working surface of a wave guide
- working surface wear
- working tool
- working unit
- working waveguide end
- working zone
- workpiece
- workpiece heating
- workpiece machinability
- workpiece of low rigidity
- works scheduling
- workspace
- world economic crisis
- worm
- worm gear
- worm gearbox
- worm gears
- worm-gear
- worm-helical gears
- worn volume
- woven filler
- woven metal mesh
- woven wire mesh
- zeotropic refrigerant
- zinc method
- zirconium
- zirconium dioxide
- zones of phase transformations
- zoomorphic robots