Stoichiometric Gas Turbine Engines
Authors: Pismennyi V.L. | Published: 26.06.2018 |
Published in issue: #6(699)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircraft | |
Keywords: gas turbine engines, heat exchanger, stoichiometric GTE, supersonic speed, hypersonic speed, combustion chamber |
The development of stoichiometric gas turbine engines is associated with solving the problem of high gas temperatures before turbine blades. Currently, these temperatures are in the range of 2 000 K that is lower than the fuel energy capacity. Bringing gas temperatures in gas turbine engines to the level of fuel energy capacity is a strategic task that emerged as soon as the gas turbine engine was first developed and has remained so for more than 80 years. Original methods for cooling the turbine are proposed, that in combination with existing blade manufacturing technology, can provide a solution to this problem. Based on the original technical solutions proposed by the author, a concept of constructing supersonic and hypersonic gas turbine engines is formulated, namely, single-duct single-shaft turbo-jet engines with a high-temperature (more than 2 300 K) regulated single-stage turbine. Different implementations of the concept are proposed, and problem areas are outlined. The emergence of stoichiometric gas turbine engines was to be expected, and it has now been conceptualized. They clearly surpass all known turbo-jet engines, including F-135, and in the future may replace bypass turbojet engines, including those with an afterburner.
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