Design of a Heat Transfer Intensification System for Hydrocarbon Fuel in the Cooling Channels of the Liquid Rocket Engine
Authors: Yusha V.L., Chernov G.I., Shcherban K.V. | Published: 06.09.2018 |
Published in issue: #8(701)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: liquid rocket engine, strength analysis, thermal analysis, hypersonic aircraft, cooling system, heat transfer intensification systems |
The authors propose a system of cooling the liquid rocket engine where hydrocarbon fuel (kerosene), moving in the channels where the fuel is heated by the wall, is used as a coolant. When developing the engine cooling system, a question arose about the choice of material for the nozzle to ensure its stable operation. The thermal and strength analyses in ANSYS showed that aluminum could not withstand the specified operating conditions. As a result, titanium was chosen as an alternative material to ensure the indestructibility of the structure. To reduce the temperature gradient of titanium and prevent its melting, a 2 mm ceramic coating is sprayed onto the inner surface of the nozzle wall. A model is developed for calculating the cooling system in time, depending on the remaining fuel in the tank, and taking into account the multiplicity of kerosene circulation. The proposed model of operation of the fuel supply system makes it possible to determine the conditions under which the multiplicity of kerosene circulation in the cooling circuit of the nozzle allows the selected material to be used as the nozzle wall material.
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