Experimental and Theoretical Research of Adaptive Inertia-Capillary Device for Liquid Intake
Authors: Ivanov M.Y., Kuranov E.G., Novikov A.E., Resh G.F. | Published: 25.10.2018 |
Published in issue: #10(703)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: lyophilic homogeneous liquid, liquid intake method, capillary phase separator (CPS), comprehensive compression, Galileo-Torricelli principle, natural and artificial gravity |
This paper deals with the dynamic process of interaction of a thin-walled compliant (adaptive) spatial structure made of a permeable microporous capillary phase separator with a lyophilic homogeneous liquid mixture flowing through. It is shown that a comprehensive compression force occurs during an intake of a liquid medium from a vessel with a spatial structure placed in it. The force is applied to the portion of the phase separator that is located in the gas phase region above the moving gas-liquid interface. The existence of the comprehensive force impact is determined by a complex of phenomena of various physical nature: Galileo-Torricelli principle, surface interactions, natural and/or artificial gravity. The detected effect can be used to maintain the current characteristic linear dimension of the spatial structure below a certain limiting value determined by a known formula of the theory of rigid capillary liquid intake devices used by F.T. Dodge, V.M. Polyaev and other researchers when studying operating conditions of such units. This allows increasing the time of liquid production and reducing its residues in the vessel, while maintaining the specified capillary retention capacity of the phase separator. It also allows expanding the field of practical application of capillary phase separators, for example, to fuel systems of atmospheric highly maneuverable aircraft.
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