A Study of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Rocket Fairing Door Using Conical Means of Passive Stabilization
Authors: Lutsenko A.Y., Nazarova D.K., Slobodyanyuk D.M. | Published: 23.07.2019 |
Published in issue: #7(712)/2019 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: aerodynamic characteristics, launch vehicle, head fairing, head fairing half, flow simulation, passive stabilization, ANSYS CFX |
In the article, the aerodynamic characteristics of a detachable fairing door model are investigated with the use of passive stabilization means, which are conical bodies with flexible and rigid connections. Two types of experiments were conducted in a subsonic wind tunnel to determine the balancing angles of attack: a visualization experiment (using a video camera) and a measuring experiment (using the angle sensor). Mathematical flow models and aerodynamic quality values were obtained. The change in the balancing angle of attack and the corresponding aerodynamic quality of the studied combinations with respect to the base model were analyzed. Comparative characteristics of the considered stabilization variants were presented.
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