A Model of an Advanced Communication System for Transmitting Space Monitoring Information to the Ground Control Complex for Reception and Processing of Information
Authors: Panteleymonov I.N., Filatov V.V., Alеshin V.S., Panteleymonova A.V., Kornienko V.I. | Published: 16.12.2019 |
Published in issue: #12(717)/2019 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: spacecraft, geostationary satellite-repeater, point of reception and transmission of information, registration, routing, establishment of connection |
The technology of data transmission from spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth to reception points on the ground has certain disadvantages such as the inability to quickly receive remote sens-ing data and the need to store large amounts of information on board. The technology of data re-transmission from remote sensing satellites through geostationary satellites retransmitters Luch to the reception points on the ground has the following disadvantages: the inability to quickly receive data when the remote sensing spacecraft is in the central part of the Western Hemisphere and the need for early planning of retransmission sessions. The article presents advanced concepts of com-munication organization and algorithms for establishing connections between the spacecraft and the point of data reception and transmission via a geostationary satellite repeater. The concepts are based on the following modern technologies: the availability of inter-satellite communication lines between geostationary satellites retransmitters that transforms this segment of communication net-work into a transport digital network for data transmission; the application of network technology for data flow routing that enables data transmission in an automatic mode; the application of auto-matic technology for establishing connections between remote sensing satellites and geostationary satellites retransmitters that transforms the ground reception point into a subscriber of the transport digital network by analogy with mobile network.
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