The State-of-the-Art and Prospects of Aerospike Engines
Authors: Vaulin S.D., Khazhiakhmetov K.I. | Published: 07.09.2021 |
Published in issue: #10(739)/2021 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: aerospike nozzle, Laval nozzle, single-stage start-up, liquid propellant rocket engine |
Currently, there is a worldwide trend of growing interest in projects aimed at reducing the cost of spacecraft launches. The search for solutions to this topical issue reveals new requirements for the rocket engines. However, existing rocket engines are incapable of fully meeting modern requirements. Consideration of new technical solutions indicates the prospects of using aerospike engines, which have the property of self-regulation and can operate with optimal flow expansion throughout the entire operation. This property allows this type of engine to be used as a propulsion system for single-stage return launcher. However, aerospike engines have not been sufficiently studied at the moment and haven’t found widespread use. Therefore it is necessary to summarize the existing knowledge about aerospike and the aerospike research has been performed. As a result mathematical models of the workflows were created, methods of designing and optimization of the contour were determined, and a number of design and technological solutions were found. However, the mathematical models verified by experimental data were not found.
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