Analysis of Fabricability of Flexible Waveguide Parts for Satellite Applications
Authors: Kosyanenko S.V., Patraev E.V., Petrusev V.V., Trifanov I.V. | Published: 24.11.2021 |
Published in issue: #12(741)/2021 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: flexible waveguide sections, beryllium bronze, fabricability of parts, technological process |
Satellite onboard equipment includes waveguide transmission lines. One of the tasks to be solved is the temperature decoupling of the waveguide path and onboard equipment devices. In order to prevent waveguide path deformation during expansion/contraction due to thermal effects, the waveguide is equipped with a flexible waveguide section capable of changing the length without deteriorating radio technical characteristics. The paper considers the issues of fabrication of flexible waveguide parts, concerning the requirements for structure, properties, heat treatment of raw materials, dimensions of workpieces, equipment, and tooling. Within the study, we optimized and tested in practice operations of the technological process of extracting parts from sheet material, rolling, profiling, and shaping, which make it possible to manufacture parts of waveguide paths of the required quality.
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