Simplest Flow Queuing Models for LEO Satellite System
Authors: Pichugin S.B. | Published: 22.12.2021 |
Published in issue: #1(742)/2022 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: low orbit communications system, relay satellite, message packet switching, simplest flow of requests, exponential law |
The relevance of the work is associated with the active deployment of low-orbit communication systems and the expansion of research in the field of corresponding satellite systems. A promising low-orbit communication system based on relay satellites with the function (RSRFs) of routing message packets is considered. The low earth orbit communications systems use the BGP protocol and the AAA functionality at the ground station. For assessing the characteristics of RSRF inter-satellite paths, a scenario was created for the message packets arrival from a group of inter-satellite paths to one subscriber path. The corresponding analytical models have been developed using the mathematical apparatus of queuing systems with the simplest flows of requests and exponential distribution of the service time. The RSRF characteristics of a promising low-orbit communication system are predicted. It is proposed to make the mathematical apparatus of analytical models more complicated to take into account the dynamics of displacements and failures of the RSRF in a low-orbit communication system.
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