High-temperature absorbing coatings for ground thermal testing of the structural elements of the high-speed aircrafts at the radiation heating benches
Authors: Fokin V.I., Terekhin A.V., Rajlyan V.S. | Published: 07.02.2024 |
Published in issue: #2(767)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: ground testing, radiation heating, quartz halogen lamps, high-temperature coating, absorptivity |
Application of coatings with high absorptivity on the test object outer surface is an important operation in methodology of reproducing thermal conditions during ground testing of the aircraft structural elements on the radiation heating benches. The aircraft elements’ ground thermal testing is widely using the high-temperature coatings based on the chromium oxide (Cr2O3). However, this coating low absorptivity in the emission spectrum of the quartz halogen lamp filaments significantly limits abilities of the ground-based test equipment to reproduce thermal regimes specified for the high-speed aircraft. Research was conducted on the high-temperature coatings for using in the ground-based thermal and thermal strength tests on the existing test benches with the maximum heating temperatures of up to 1600°C. It was established that the most effective coating was the MoSi2 powder, which heating rate was twice higher than that of the Cr2O3 coating in the temperature range of up to 800°C. The MoSi2 powder coating confirmed its performance up to the temperature of 1700°C. The indicated coating could be recommended (after developing technology for application on the test object surface) for introduction in the existing test systems based on the quartz halogen lamps during experimental development and ground testing of the high-speed aircraft structural elements.
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