Design and development of the electrical air conditioning control system functional subsystems in a passenger aircraft
Authors: Grishina L.A., Panevin A.Yu. | Published: 29.11.2024 |
Published in issue: #12(777)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: aircraft pressurized cabin, air conditioning system, electric-driven autonomous compressor, air temperature control subsystem, air supply control subsystem |
The paper considers the problem of designing functional subsystems for regulating air parameters of the aircraft electric air conditioning systems using a mathematical model, which would make it possible to establish optimal conditions for implementing the electrical system as a whole. The mathematical model scheme introduces interconnection of the air temperature and air supply control subsystems, as well as of the electric-driven autonomous compressor being a source of pressurizing the passenger aircraft pressurized cabin in the aviation electric air conditioning systems. Differential equation of the second order and the transfer function of the aircraft pressurized cabin as a regulated object by the air temperature are determined.
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