Studying an air cooling unit with the two-stage expansion for the passenger aircraft electrical air conditioning system
Authors: Grishina L.A., Panevin A.Yu. | Published: 14.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #1(778)/2025 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: air conditioning system, air cooling unit, electric-driven autonomous compressor, turbo-refrigerator turbine, two-stage expansion |
Increasing energy efficiency in the aviation air conditioning systems appears to be one of the main problems to be solved in their design. In the electric air conditioning systems, reducing the energy costs to ensure the system operation is achieved not only by using an electric-driven autonomous compressor, but also by selecting the rational air cooling subsystem that takes air out of it. An air cooling unit with the two-stage expansion for the passenger aircraft electric air conditioning system was developed using a mathematical model. The paper studies the influence of heat exchangers efficiency, power generated by the turbo-refrigerator turbine stages, and the air flow through the bypass dampers on the outlet air temperature from the cooling unit.
EDN: EJYQVH, https://elibrary/ejyqvh
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