Comparative assessment of tribotechnical properties of the promising EONIT-3, solid-lubricant coating, domestic and foreign coatings for vacuum conditions
Authors: Khopin P.N., Mishakov S.Yu. | Published: 16.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #1(778)/2025 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: solid lubricating coating, thermocorrelation dependencies, tribological characteristics, vacuum conditions |
The paper presents results of analyzing in the vacuum conditions the tribological characteristics of the EONIT-3 promising solid lubricating coating based on graphite and MoS2 of suspension application and the domestic and foreign coatings based on the MoS2 applied by different methods. The resource thermocorrelation dependences on the testing temperature make it possible to establish that in the vacuum conditions at the total friction temperature of 20...112°C, the EONIT-3 coating resource is higher than that of the traditional VNII NP 212 (by 2–7 times) and the foreign coatings based on the MoS2 with magnetron and high-frequency application (by 1.3-8 times). At the volumetric heating temperature of 250…400°C under the vacuum conditions, the friction pair resource with the EONIT-3 coating decreases to 8…9 h. At the same time, the pair friction coefficient during tribological testing under the vacuum conditions remains almost unchanged (at the level of 0.06) in the entire studied range of the friction temperatures of 20…496°C. For friction pairs with the EONIT-3 coating, the resource thermocorrelation and friction coefficient dependencies on the testing temperature are obtained.
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