Recuperative heat-exchange apparatus with porous metal for a liquid-propellant rocket engine
Authors: Pelevin F.V., Ponomarev A.V., Semenov P.Y. | Published: 16.06.2015 |
Published in issue: #6(663)/2015 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: recuperative heat-exchange apparatus, porous mesh metal, inter-channel coolant transpiration, heat-exchange efficiency |
The application of diffusion-vacuum welding of woven metal meshes for manufacturing porous metals and the concept of inter-channel coolant transpiration is the basis for developing new high performance porous heat-exchange pathways for recuperative heat-exchange apparatuses. The paper presents a new recuperative heat-exchange apparatus based on the concept of inter-channel coolant transpiration through a porous mesh metal. It has been shown that the heat exchange efficiency in a pathway with inter-channel coolant transpiration through porous mesh metal with inter-mesh filtration of the coolant is higher when compared to other heat-exchange pathways. It has been established that the pathway efficiency is particularly high at low Reynolds numbers in the range of 1·103…5·104. The efficiency increases when the path of the coolant movement through the porous mesh metal decreases, and the porous mesh metal thermal conductivity increases. Recommendations for the optimal design of recuperative heat-exchange apparatus based on the concept of inter-channel coolant transpiration through porous mesh metal have been presented. The results obtained can be used for designing recuperative heat-exchange apparatuses for pressurization of fuel tanks of liquid-propellant rocket engines.
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