The Methodology of Selection of an Autoclave Barothermal Processing Mode for the Heat-Shield of Re-Entering Spacecraft
Authors: Tarasov V.A., Romanenkov V.A., Komkov M.A., Boyarskaya R.V. | Published: 28.09.2015 |
Published in issue: #9(666)/2015 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: autoclave, heat-shielding, composite design, polymerization and viscosity binding, relationship between the continuous temperature change of a product and step change of the nitrogen pressure |
The article presents a topical issue of organization of autoclave processing for a heat shield of composite design. It explores the theoretical relationship between the law of the temperature change of the product and the step change of the pressure of nitrogen, which is used as the technological medium. The data obtained by the control and measuring instruments of the autoclave control system is analyzed, and a mathematical relationship is established between the consumption power of the thermoelectrical heaters and the product temperature. This relationship takes into account specific design features of the technological equipment. The authors propose a method for calculating the consumed mass of nitrogen and the consumed power required to generate and heat the nitrogen from the point of view the gasdynamic and thermophysical processes in the autoclave. It is shown that to coordinate the moment of additional nitrogen supply and the amplitude of the pressure change it is appropriate to use the criterion of minimum power consumption required to generate and heat the nitrogen in the autoclave. The comparison of the proposed method with the experimental testing of the modes of the technological process has shown the high efficiency of the method.
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