Detonation of Air-Methane Mixture in a Supersonic Crossflow
Authors: Aleksandrov V.Yu., Arefyev K.Yu., Baskakov A.A., Ilchenko M.A. | Published: 20.02.2017 |
Published in issue: #2(683)/2017 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: detonation combustion, pressure pulsation, turbulent combustion, experimental study, propagation velocity of detonation wave front, degeneration of detonation |
The results of analytical description and experimental study of knocking combustion modes of air-methane mixture in a supersonic crossflow inside the cylinder are presented. A wide range of changes in the mass ratio of the components and the fuel mixture initial temperature is considered. A mathematical model for the prediction of the propagation rate of the detonation wave front is proposed. The model is validated by the original experimental results and empirical data of other authors. The possibility of implementing a pulsating mode of knocking combustion of the air-methane mixture is shown. The modes of detonation degeneration into turbulent combustion at high initial temperatures of the fuel mixture are determined. The data obtained can be used in experimental studies of detonation processes, designing and testing advanced energy and propulsion systems, bench and process equipment.
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