The Extension of the Range of Stable Operation of an Axial Compressor by Changing the Parameters of the Grids in the Terminal Zone of Blading
Authors: Arkhipov D.V., Tumashev R.Z. | Published: 19.12.2017 |
Published in issue: #12(693)/2017 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: axial compressor, high-pressure stage, gas-dynamic stability, diffusion, near-wall boundary layer |
The results of numerical studies of the stable operation margin of the two-stage sector of an unregulated axial compressor of a gas-turbine engine are presented. Blade profiling of the original high-pressure stages is performed according to the law of conservation of circulation along the radius using a model of inviscid fluid. The proposed increase of the grid density by 10...15% in the terminal zone of the impeller and guide vane of the first stage, in comparison with the calculated values, leads to an increase in the work input in the near-wall layer in the area at the ends of the blades. The fields of total pressures and velocities of the viscous fluid flow at the outlet of the first stage even out, providing a more favorable inward flow onto the blades of the subsequent stages. The stable operation margin of the stages sector increases from 17 to 21…22 %, with near constant efficiency. The computational studies are performed using methods of computational fluid dynamics in ANSYS CFX with the adaptation of the turbulence models to the considered axial compressors of gas turbine engines.
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