Models for Managing the Development of Distributed Technical Systems
Authors: Gorelov B.А., Davydov A.D., Silaev A.V., Tikhonov A.V. | Published: 02.04.2018 |
Published in issue: #3(696)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: economical and mathematical models, distributed technical systems, technical and economic efficiency |
Currently, a modular approach is being actively used to create and operate technical systems. There are significant differences in the interpretation and methods of implementation of the modular approach. As a result, the expectations of customers and developers often cannot be met, and this leads to unwarranted criticism of the modular approach, design and strategy. These differences are reflected in the reference trends in the development of aviation systems as distributed technical systems that utilize modular strategy principles to some degree. Verbal descriptions of models for the creation, technocenotic development and life cycle management of distributed technical systems are given. The purpose of this work is to establish and evaluate technical and economic efficiency of distributed technical systems. The models take into account the specifics of distributed technical systems as open systems having a variable composition and structure that are distributed in space and time. When performing a system analysis of formation of technical systems based on the principles of unification and standardization and analyzing the life cycle of such systems, methods of operation research and mathematical programming are used. Aviation systems in their technocenotic development are used as the research object. The result of the study was an improvement in the methodology of managing the development of distributed technical systems and evaluating their technical and economic efficiency.
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