The Concept of Generalization of Structural Properties of Measuring Tasks when Providing Navigation and Ballistic Support for Spacecraft
Authors: Betanov V.V., Koryanov V.V. | Published: 26.07.2018 |
Published in issue: #7(700)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Inspection and Testing of Aircraft and Aircraft Systems | |
Keywords: measuring task, complex dynamic object, object-system, generalized observability, spacecraft, navigation and ballistic support |
The concept of expansion (generalization) of structural properties of measuring tasks based on the object-system analysis of the ‘task-solution tool’ concept, placed in the appropriate environment (infrastructure) is proposed. An automated system for managing a complex dynamic object, for example, a spacecraft with corresponding subsystems of mathematical, software, technical, information, organizational, metrological, linguistic, legal support is chosen as a toolkit for solving the problem. This complex toolkit, on the one hand, allows solving modern measuring tasks, but on the other hand, further deforms the solutions obtained. The developed concept of generalization of structural properties is briefly described using the concept of generalized observability as an example. The apparatus of mathematical informatics (the theory of ultra-systems and ultra-operators) is proposed for its investigation.
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