Determining the Velocity of Hypersonic Compact Elements in Ground Testing Plants
Authors: Gerasimov S.I., Odzeriho I.A., Gerasimova R.V., Yanenko B.A. | Published: 14.08.2019 |
Published in issue: #8(713)/2019 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Inspection and Testing of Aircraft and Aircraft Systems | |
Keywords: explosive throwing device, compact unit, hypersonic velocity, shock wave visualization |
Protection of spacecraft from high-speed impact when encountering meteorite particles and man-made debris is currently a pressing issue. This article presents methods for determining the reaction of complex structures to the impact of particles with cosmic velocities. To determine the anti-meteorite resistance of materials and structures and to study the reaction of materials under high-intensity shock loading, schemes are developed for the production and registration of high-speed metal compact elements moving at hypersonic speeds using cumulative explosive throwing devices based on high-power condensed explosives. The use of the ‘hemisphere-cylinder’ shaped lining made it possible to test a shaped charge, consistently forming a steel compact element with a velocity of 6 km/s. The paper presents the results of numerical calculations and experimental testing of such a booster. Using this device, a method for determining the speed of the hypersonic striker pin is developed based on visualization of the head shock wave at the entrance of the striker into water.
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