A Two-Mass Gyro-Particle as a Tool for Supersonic Aeroelasticity Analysis
Authors: Arinchev S.V. | Published: 13.05.2020 |
Published in issue: #5(722)/2020 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: supersonic aeroelasticity, gas gyro-particle, multiple-frequency splitting |
When a flying vehicle reaches a high supersonic speed, plasma occurs in the flow, hampering the application of the traditional piston theory and its modifications to solve the aeroelasticity problem. This work considers flow modelling using a system of two-mass gas gyro-particles capable of dividing into two charges and ionizing the flow. The two-mass gas gyro-particle has two elements and two pairs of multiple frequencies. As the gyro-particle interacts with the surface of an elastic body, it starts to rotate and pulsate, and the multiple frequencies split. As the pulsation frequency of the gas gyro-particle reaches the natural oscillation frequency of the elastic structure, resonance occurs and the structure flutters. It is assumed that the supersonic character of the flow is determined not by the velocity of the flying vehicle, but by the rotational frequency of the gas gyro-particle. The higher the particle’s rotational frequency, the higher the aerodynamic drag. If the rotational frequency is high enough, then the screening effect takes place: the vehicle decelerates and turns upside down. This is called divergence, and the plasma is not taken into account. In this work, a 2D model is used to interpret the flutter and the divergence effects.
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