Selection of the Optimal Load Bearing Wing Structure Scheme for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Naing Lin Aung, Phyo W.A., Tatarnikov O.V. | Published: 02.11.2020 |
Published in issue: #11(728)/2020 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: permissible wing deflection, aerodynamic load, arrangement of spars and ribs, lower wing skin, unidirectional carbon fiber, load bearing structure |
This article presents the results of optimization of the load bearing structure of the wing of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The criteria and optimization parameters were considered, respectively: the minimum wing mass, number of spars and ribs, location parameters of the spars and ribs, and thickness of the wing's load bearing elements. The maximum wing deflection was considered as a limiting factor. The calculated model took into account the change in the thickness of the spars along the direction of the wingspan, while the thickness of the skin and ribs was considered as constant. The optimal load bearing scheme of the wing was selected by the criterion of the minimum wing mass based on the maximum permissible deflection of the wing. Calculations of the stress-strain state of the wing were performed using a finite element model in the FEMAP software package.
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