Nonlinear Analysis of the Reinforced Three-Layer Composite Panel sStrength
Authors: Vasilchenko K.S., Reznik S.V., Smerdov A.A., Molodchikov S.E. | Published: 04.09.2021 |
Published in issue: #10(739)/2021 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: three-layer structure, composite fracture, finite element modeling, fracture criterion, load-bearing capacity, nonlinear strength analysis |
The application of polymer composite material structures is one of the dynamically developing areas of aerospace engineering. In this area, numerical methods are widely used for design research. Nevertheless, there is still an urgent need to develop effective methods for analyzing the complex mechanism of modern composite structure behavior. The absence of such methods can result in significant financial costs of testing model and full-scale structures, which can negatively affect the timing of new equipment creation. The modeling of nonlinear static loading of a honeycomb three-layer panel by the finite element method has been performed. The design scheme has been developed for carrying out the strength calculation. The effect of the phenomenological fracture criterion on the strength of a three-layer panel is analyzed. Comparison of the theoretical and experimental data showed good agreement. This indicates that the developed scheme of the honeycomb three-layer panel strength calculation can be successfully used in practice.
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