Designing efficient turbines taking into account radial clearance
Authors: Molyakov V.D., Kunikeev B.A. | Published: 08.09.2014 |
Published in issue: #9(654)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: aircraft gas turbine engines, gas turbines, blade chords, radial clearance, lowaspectratio blades |
Advanced aircraft and high-power gas turbine engines need high-temperature gas turbines with low aspect ratio blades. The required aspect ratio can be obtained by increasing the chord length without changing the blade length and the ratio of the average turbine diameter to the blade length. Increasing the chord lengths of rotor blades in hightemperature and high-pressure gas turbines can significantly reduce the number of blades, as well as mean-profile and local heat transfer coefficients from the gas to the blade. At the same time, bending stresses in turbine stages decrease at different aspect ratios of rotor blades. In this paper, the influence of the radial clearance determined by the chord length of fixed length blades on the basic performance indicators of gas turbines with different aspect ratios of rotor blades is studied experimentally under the conditions of turbine stages. The obtained results are recommended for use in the design of gas turbine engines of various purposes.
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