Optimization of the power characteristics of devices for regenerating natural gas flow energy
Authors: Maksimov S.F., E.Y. Peters | Published: 08.09.2014 |
Published in issue: #9(654)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: regeneration, multiphase dispersed flow, gas distribution station, working media, turbine converter |
Developing renewable sources of energy is the central problem of modern power engineering. An overview of the circuit designs of devices for recovering potential energy of dispersed two-phase flows is presented. The flows are considered to be working media in the turbines converting this form of energy into mechanical, electrical, thermal, or other form of energy at gas distribution stations (GDS), subsurface gas storage stations (SGSS), and other sites. Effective and promising development is provided by the creation of on-site independent trouble-free sources of electrical and thermal energy on the basis of the recovery principle. This makes it possible to reduce or eliminate the capital investments for the construction of expensive power lines to deliver electrical energy to newly created Transgaz GDS. The results of this work can be used in the energy, aviation, rocket and space, and oil and gas industries whose technical systems operate under complicated conditions. This is especially true when the systems use multiphase dispersed working media, which reduces their specific power and efficiency.
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