Thermal regulation system of an orbital manned spacecraft with a vapor compression refrigerating machine
Authors: Smorodin A.I., Men, Garanov S.A. | Published: 13.11.2014 |
Published in issue: #11(656)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: turbo-compressor, heat exchanger, refrigerant, life support system, thermal control system, spacecraft, vapor compression refrigerating cycle. |
Optimization of the weight and size is of highest priority when designing a spacecraft. In this paper, technical solutions to reduce the mass of the spacecraft thermal control system and increase its reliability are developed. A single-phase external hydraulic contour with a liquid cooler is proposed to replace by a contour implementing a vapor compression cycle. This will make it possible to increase the temperature of the radiation heat exchanger, which serves as a capacitor in the contour and reduces its size and mass. Vapor compression cycles with different condensing temperatures are calculated to determine the optimal temperature range on the surface of the radiative heat exchanger (condensation temperatures) taking into account the equipment weight and energy consumption. The temperature range chosen was used to determine the final flow sheet of the external refrigerating contour, which is optimal with respect to the refrigerant and applied equipment. The main characteristics of the external contour are calculated. The mass properties of the proposed contour and the existing one are compared. To improve the reliability and durability of the external refrigerating contour, it is recommended to use a two-stage turbo-compressor with gas dynamic rotor bearings. The study showed that the proposed thermal control system has a number of significant advantages in mass, power, and safety over existing systems with single-phase contours.
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