Using electric heating to protect engine input elements from icing
Authors: Zherdev A.A., Goryachev A.V., Greben’kov S.A., Zhulin V.G., Goryachev P.A., Savenkov V.V. | Published: 13.11.2014 |
Published in issue: #11(656)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: aircraft engine, flight safety, anti-icing, mathematical model, blade, heating, hydrophobic coating. |
The ice protection system is a key element ensuring the aircraft safety. Various anti-icing systems are analyzed as applied to specific configurations of aircraft engines. The droplet formation areas on the blade surface are determined, and the coefficients of droplet capture are calculated. A mathematical model of the electrical ice protection system for a given engine configuration is developed, and the required heating power is calculated. It is proposed to apply a combined anti-icing system including the permanent heating of the blade leading edge and the cyclic heating of the rest of the blade. According to the study, a hydrophobic coating is recommended to be used since the device for heating the blade tail is complicated. These solutions can significantly reduce the power taken from the engine.
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