Generalization of Willis method for lever mechanism of high classes
Authors: Timofeev G.A., Mor E.G., Barbashov N.N. | Published: 16.06.2015 |
Published in issue: #6(663)/2015 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: lever mechanisms, mechanisms of Class II, kinematic problem |
Determination of kinematic transfer functions is considered the most complex problem of lever mechanism calculations. Methods of kinematic analysis of the most commonly used lever mechanism of Class II have already been developed in detail. However, there also exist more complex mechanisms that generate interest of design engineers of new machines, hence, the development of methods for kinematic analysis of high class mechanisms is also an important task. The kinematics of high class mechanisms is described by sets of non-linear equations that usually have at least two solutions (based on the number of possible mechanism assemblies). Solving such sets of equations requires considerable computational power. A method of solving kinematic problems based on the artificial lowering of the class of complex mechanisms using the method of inversion (Willis method) is proposed. It allows the developers to simplify kinematic analysis of high class mechanisms from unified positions.
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