Monitoring of Engineering Structures Using Reduced Finite Element Models
Authors: Meshchikhin I.A., Gavryushin S.S., Zaitsev E.A. | Published: 28.09.2015 |
Published in issue: #9(666)/2015 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: technical object, monitoring, finite element method, static condensation, reduced model, sensitive designs |
The authors present a numerical method designed for the control of complex engineering structures. The method that can register the condition of a structure remotely, without installing monitoring equipment and markers on the structure, is particularly sought after. It can be used in arduous operating conditions such as a contaminated observation zone, corrosive environment, shifting structural elements, work seasonality, etc. When choosing generalized displacements of the monitoring object as identification parameters, it is possible to organize their distant registration. The technique uses a reduction of the initial finite element model, which helps to significantly reduce the amount of the controlled information. The authors propose a criterion for the allocation of the identification parameters in order to determine with minimum errors a priori unknown loads acting on the structure. The article describes a procedure that uses measured displacements to evaluate the actual stressstrain condition of the structure and identify the presence of unaccounted loading. The format of the proposed method involves the development of an original reduced model that considers the specifics of individual structures for each monitoring object.
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