Spring-Loaded Accumulators with the Output Rotary Link for Step Movements
Authors: Pelupessy D.S., Zhavner M.V. | Published: 12.10.2016 |
Published in issue: #10(679)/2016 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: spring accumulators, energy recovery, step movement, high-speed performance, energy consumption |
Reducing energy consumption in various industries is a key economic task. Spring-loaded drives with energy recovery systems can be used in step motor drives to reduce energy expenditure. In some cases, spring mechanisms can simplify the design and reduce mass-dimensional characteristics. In this article the authors review spring-loaded accumulators with the output rotary link that are used in drives with energy recovery systems for step movements. Spring-loaded accumulators can be developed using tension and compression springs. Spring-loaded accumulators with the output rotary link and the rotation angle 2π are an ideal solution with respect to the smoothness of rotation. The use of schemes with two symmetrical springs instead of a spring-loaded accumulator with a single spring allows increasing the potential energy (by two times) and the performance for a given spring constant. Spring-loaded accumulators with the output rotary link can be used in drives with compensation of dissipative losses in the process of moving as well as in drives with prior dissipative loss compensation. Geometric and dynamic characteristics for the presented spring-loaded accumulators are considered in the article, and usage recommendations are given.
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