Optimization of the Transmission Ratio of a Diesel-Powered Machine Unit
Authors: Leonov I.V. | Published: 17.05.2017 |
Published in issue: #5(686)/2017 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: transmission ratio, power unit, diesel engine, fuel consumption, dynamic properties, cruise mode |
Efficiency is one of the main characteristics of a machine unit (MU). The main MU properties are defined at the design stage when selecting such parameters as nominal capacity of the internal combustion engine and transmission ratio of the gear box. As a rule, subsequent calculations of parts with regards to strength and life do not influence MU dynamic properties and operating power consumption as long as there is no appreciable increase in the moving mass. Diesel-powered MUs are particularly difficult to design because the rotational velocity of a diesel engine working at the minimal specific fuel rate does not correspond to the rotational velocity under nominal operating conditions. Moreover, a diesel engine is equipped with a speed adjuster, the functions of which do not include efficient fuel control. The specific fuel consumption is influenced by the coefficient of efficiency of the working machine and engine as well as the transmission ratio of the reducing gear or the gear box. The first condition of increasing the MU efficiency at the design stage is the selection of an efficient engine. However, this is necessary but not sufficient, and meeting this condition has only the potential of solving this problem. To put it into practice, it is necessary to combine economy modes of the engine and working machine by selecting the optimal transmission ratio of the reducing gear or the gear box. The research has shown that fuel consumption can be minimized through the optimal selection of the transmission ratio with a simultaneous impact on the control system of the diesel engine velocity. A similar problem has to be solved when controlling an automatic gear box.
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