Modeling and Calculating Residual Stresses in Rolled Profiles
Authors: Karatushin S.I., Khramova D.A., Bildyuk N.A. | Published: 19.06.2017 |
Published in issue: #6(687)/2017 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: ANSYS, analytical calculation, residual stresses, rolled profiles, corrections |
Two methods for calculating residual stresses (RS) appearing in rolled profiles (T-beam and channel) are considered, that is the analytical calculation using MathCAD, and computer simulation based on the ANSYS software package. Profiles are formed according to the pure bending scheme in such a way that plastic deformation occurs in a part of the section, i.e. the deformation is elastoplastic in general. Mechanical properties are set close to real ones. The deformation principle used for RS modeling is based on the non-uniformity of plastic deformation. The results of the RS calculations performed by the two methods showed good convergence. A computer-aided correction process was simulated in the formed profiles. When performing the simulation, a correction for the Bauschinger effect was incorporated into the mechanical properties and a repeated loading mode was introduced, followed by the determination of RS and the value of the total plastic deformation distribution. Computer modeling proved to be significantly more informative and efficient.
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