An Analysis of the Operation of Flow Elements When Monitoring Leakage
Authors: Makarov V.A., Makarov A.V., Tyutyaev R.E. | Published: 19.12.2017 |
Published in issue: #12(693)/2017 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: flow elements, molecular flow regime, diffusion flow regimes, elastic element, round leaks, slot-hole leaks |
This paper presents an analysis of the operation of flow elements consisting of throttles and constant and variable volume chambers when monitoring leakage at various gas flow regimes used in leak detection, such as the molecular, viscous, intermediate (molecular-viscous) and diffusion regimes. The operation of the chambers is affected by the methods of monitoring as well as the presence of elastic membranes in the chambers. When monitoring small leaks and conducting high sensitivity tests, the processes in the variable volume chambers create false leakage directed at overcoming the elastic forces commensurate with the useful signal. Depending on the elastic force of the elastic membrane material and the test pressure values, both the static and the dynamic parameters of the chambers change when they are emptied and filled. The article presents formulas and graphs for determining the resistances, consumption and time constants needed to calculate the transient processes in test circuits with round and slotted leaks used to identify depressurization openings such as cracks and pores.
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