Eccentricity Analysis of the Fuel Assembly Spring Cartrige Force
Authors: Gusev M.P., Danilov V.L. | Published: 19.09.2013 |
Published in issue: #6(639)/2013 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: fuel assembly, spring relaxation, fuel assembly bow |
Fuel assembly bow of a nuclear reactor is one of the major problems of nuclear power engineering and can result in an emergency at a nuclear power plant. However, the causes of fuel assembly bow, currently not fully understood. This study identified a possible cause of fuel assembly bow as its eccentric compression due to relaxation processes occurring in the spring cartridge and causing eccentricity of the spring cartridge force. A mathematical model is worked up for determining the parameters of eccentric assembly compression: the force eccentricity compressing the assembly, and the bending moment. The study showed that the force eccentricity compressing the assembly, and the bending moment are significant, and their impact cannot be ignored when analyzing the fuel assembly bow.
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