The calculation of added masses and damping coefficients of vibrating bodies in a fluid by the finite volume method as applied to the calculation of the fuel bundle parameters for the reactor VVER-440
Authors: Krutko E.S., Sorokin F.D. | Published: 19.09.2013 |
Published in issue: #8(641)/2013 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: added mass, damping coefficient, finite volume method, fuel assembly |
To overcome high vibrational wear of tubular elements in power engineering, adequate mathematical models of hydroelastic systems must be developed and analyzed in order to reduce the intensity of vibrations. In the mathematical models of heat exchangers and fuel assemblies with hundreds of tubular elements, the effect of liquid can be taken into account by added masses and damping coefficients. To calculate these quantities, steady-state forced oscillations of a liquid under a given harmonic law of motion of solid bodies are
considered and investigated by the finite volume method. In this case, the added mass is associated with the kinetic energy of the fluid and the damping factor is associated with the energy dissipated in the liquid. The proposed method showed good accuracy during testing and made it possible to calculate important parameters of the fuel bundle in the reactor VVER-440. Thus, the added mass of the fuel bundle of the reactor VVER-440 was calculated for the first time.
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