Experimental Research of the Influence of Conical Chamber Length and Diffuser Throat on the Supersonic Ejector Characteristics
Authors: Tsegelskiy V.G., Akimov M.V., Safargaliev T.D. | Published: 29.07.2013 |
Published in issue: #4(637)/2013 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: gas ejector, conical mixing chamber |
Experimental research of supersonic gas jet ejector with conical COP, previously held by the other authors, do not allow to select the first and the second critical modes; not to determine the optimal length of the conical COP for these modes. The paper presents the experimental data that confirmed the theoretical results of work for feasibility of both modes in said ejectors. Operating conditions at the first critical mode are determined as well as the optimal length of the conical mixing chamber for the first and second critical modes is defined. Maximum efficiency ejector at the first critical mode is achieved that is 1.55 greater than the maximum efficiency at the second critical mode.