Universal theory of structures, general properties and algorithms for the directed synthesis and analysis of statically determinate mechanical systems. Part 2. Directed structural synthesis and analysis
Authors: Pozhbelko V.I. | Published: 27.02.2014 |
Published in issue: #2(647)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: structural synthesis and analysis, mechanism, planar and spatial mechanical systems, truss, robot |
A universal theory of structures (see Part 1) is implemented. The algorithms and examples of directed structural synthesis and analysis are based on integer solutions for various plane and three-dimensional, homogeneous and heterogeneous self-adjusting mechanical systems of optimal structure (single- and multi-axis mechanisms, trusses, open kinematic chain manipulators). They contain the prescribed number of loops, the required set of multiple joints and the design range of multivertex links with restricted complexity. Typical design problems are considered for multilink hinged-lever mechanical systems without harmful redundant links: a locomotive traction drive providing synchronous rotation of all wheels, a multi-arm robot directional drive, statically determinate trusses of multi-span bridges, a work-center spatial link mechanism providing motion of its upper movable flat surface with a fixed tool relative to a fixed workpiece. An example of the directed design of a multi-satellite planetary gear with uniformly loaded satellite gears to be used in automatic transmissions of high-powered cars and tractors is considered.
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