Study of the slab heating process in gas sheet forming
Authors: Botashev A.Y., Bisilov N.U., Malsugenov R.S. | Published: 07.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #5(650)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: two-sided heating, plasticity, gas forming, fuel mixture, gas pressure, slab heating, high temperature gas. |
The results of experimental studies of two-sided slab heating in gas forming are presented. With this method, the high temperature gas generated by combustion of a fuel mixture heats the slab which is then subjected to press forming. A relationship for determining the slab heating temperature makes it possible to estimate the maximum temperature of the slab depending on the pressure of the fuel mixture, the duration of heating, and the slab thickness with an accuracy of 50° C. Given a fuel mixture pressure of 1 MPa and the heating time of 0.3 sec, a 1-mm-thick steel billet can be heated up to 900° C. Experimental studies have shown that this forming technique increases the slab temperature up to the hot forming temperature range, which significantly improves the ductility of the slab. A new type of device for hot metal gas forming enables forming metal sheets at a lower gas pressure of about 0,4 ... 1,0 MPa, which significantly extends the field of application of the gas forming process.
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