Natural simulation of deformation in the porous materials in a crystallizer of the vertical casting and metal deformation system
Authors: Chernomas V.V., Shchelkunov E.B. | Published: 14.02.2025 |
Published in issue: #2(779)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Solid Mechanics | |
Keywords: dividing grid method, metal product deformation, porous materials, sample, vertical casting and metal deformation system |
A promising direction in the metallurgy development is creation of the metal foam materials that have unique advantages over solid materials based on the metals and alloys. At the same time, solid materials have low plastic properties, which significantly limits a possibility of manufacturing products from them by the plastic deformation. An experimental study was conducted on the nature of deformation in the blanks with different positions and porosity degrees under cyclic action on them of the moving walls of the crystallizer of a vertical casting and metal deformation system. It was established that under equal conditions of the deformation degree of samples of three types, the nature of distortion in the cells of the dividing grid in all their layers was similar with a clear deformation predominance in the longitudinal direction (blank exit direction). Maximum forces created by the crystallizer moving walls were observed in deformation of the samples with the open pores. The least forces were required to deform a sample without porosity.
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