Dynamic loads and durability of the rolling bearing massive separators
Authors: Klebanov Y.M., Urlapkin A.V., Adeyanov I.E., Pugacheva T.M., Klebanov Ya.M., Brazhnikova A.M. | Published: 09.11.2024 |
Published in issue: #11(776)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Theoretical Mechanics, Machine Dynamics | |
Keywords: rolling bearing separator, dynamic loads, massive separator durability, dynamics numerical models, high cycle fatigue, non-metallic inclusions |
The paper considers the causes of defects in the rolling bearing separators of the gas turbine engine supports. It proposes a method for determining service life of the rolling bearing massive separators exposed to high-cycle fatigue. The method includes simulating motion dynamics of the bearing components, computing alteration in the dynamic stress fields and assessing the separator fatigue strength. The bearing components’ motion in dynamic models is described by differential equations with six degrees of freedom, and the components’ interaction - by the contact hydrodynamics equations. Results of computing the ball and roller bearing separators designed for the aerospace application made it possible to analyze the influence on the separator high-cycle fatigue of the bearing operation conditions, their internal geometric parameters and a defect in the form of the solid non-metallic inclusion being the main source of the fatigue cracks. The paper substantiates expediency of monitoring contamination of the separator workpieces made of 40KhNМА-Sh steel with the non-metallic inclusions.
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