Increasing efficiency of a two-rotor external compression machine with the three-blade rotor profile
Authors: Malin I.A., Raykov A.A., Burmistrov A.V. | Published: 07.11.2024 |
Published in issue: #11(776)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines, Vacuum, Compressor Technology, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: roots vacuum pump, medium vacuum, slot conductivity, pumping speed, backflow, three-lobe profile |
The Roots-type two-rotor vacuum pumps are widely used to obtain the oil-free medium vacuum. The number of blades in rotors of such pumps is being increased to reduce residual pressure and the exhaust gas pulsations. The paper considers rotor profiles formed by various curves, as well as with a different number of blades. It describes a technique in constructing a three-blade profile with the elliptical rotor head. The paper invesigates a possibility in constructing a profile with different values of the casing bore radius ratio to the interaxial distance. Interrotor channel conductivity and volume utilization coefficients are computed for different ratios of the ellipse semiaxes, casing bore radius and interaxial distance for elliptical and involute two- and three-blade profiles. The resulting profile provides better pumping characteristics and, accordingly, higher efficiency compared to the two-blade and three-blade involute profiles.
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