Polluted air removal by a vacuum system with branching
Authors: Velikanov N.L., Naumov V.A. | Published: 03.02.2025 |
Published in issue: #2(779)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines, Vacuum, Compressor Technology, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: air intake channel, vacuum-pulse system, gas mixture, hydraulic resistance |
Vacuum systems are widely applied in the industrial and household waste removal. Schemes with a single air intake duct are most often used. They are simpler in implementation, and there are proven computation schemes for them. In the production conditions, the air intake systems with several channels (branches) are applied having different lengths, diameters, and manufacture materials. Physical and mathematical models of the vacuum-pulse system operation in removing the contaminated air with a branched pipeline are developed. The system is equipped with a low-vacuum pump and the receiving chamber. Operation is divided into three stages. Gas-dynamic processes are assumed to be adiabatic. The paper provides mathematical models of the processes at these stages. It presents the computation examples. When determining the mass flow rate of gas, the paper uses the quasi-stationary approach, i.e. the known solution for a subsonic adiabatic gas flow in the channel with the constant cross section. The Cauchy problem is solved numerically. Analysis of the obtained results showes that with a decrease in the hydrogen proportion, the contaminated air final mass in the receiving chamber decreases, and the time of filling the chamber is increasing.
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