Development of a prototype of the piston hybrid energy machine of volumetric action with the regenerative heat exchange and a bench for its study
Authors: Nosov E.Y., Shcherba V.E., Kuzhbanov A.K., Kudentsov V.Y., Galdin N.S., Gildebrandt M.I. | Published: 12.02.2025 |
Published in issue: #2(779)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines, Vacuum, Compressor Technology, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: piston hybrid power machine, regenerative heat exchange, prototype, experimental bench |
The article considers the piston hybrid power machines with regenerative heat exchange having the high mass-dimensional parameters and implementing the most efficient methods in heat removal using the regenerative heat exchange. Based on the previously proposed method of the liquid cooling system operation in a piston compressor, a prototype of the piston hybrid power machine of volumetric action with the regenerative heat exchange was created, as well the bench for its study. The bench allows for prompt and accurate measurement of the main thermodynamic parameters that directly affect the working processes of this machine, as well as for measuring its main integral characteristics. Using the created prototype and the experimental bench for its study, it is planned to confirm results of the previously performed theoretical studies under the Grant of the Russian Science Foundation (No. 22-29-00399) and obtain new knowledge on operation of the piston hybrid power machine of volumetric action with the regenerative heat exchange.
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