Pilot-Induced Oscillation Prevention During the Aircraft Landing
Authors: Zaytseva Yu.S., Kuznetsov N.V., Andrievsky B.R., Kudryashova E.V. | Published: 15.11.2021 |
Published in issue: #12(741)/2021 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: pilot-aircraft system, oscillation prevention, glissade, saturation, sensitivity function, excitation index |
The paper focuses on a manned aircraft landing control system. It is known that actuator level and rate limitations can cause pilot-induced oscillations. This phenomenon occurs during intensive pilot control in a closed-loop system under certain initiating conditions associated with both the influence of the external environment and changes in the system dynamics. Oscillations appear unintentionally and unexpectedly for the pilot, which jeopardizes flight safety. The study shows the possibility of preventing aircraft oscillations using the method of nonlinear correction of systems by sequential introduction of a pseudo-linear correcting device into the control loop, the phase-frequency characteristic of the device not depending on the amplitude of the input signal. The airplane-pilot closed-loop system for various parameters of the input signal is analyzed by calculating the generalized function of sensitivity and the excitation index. The results of the study are presented in the form of angle and the pitch rate time processes, and landing trajectories.
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