Hermetically sealed capsule strength and integrity under the emergency fall from different heights
Authors: Tulaeva N.N., Lipatnikov M.A., Minaev I.V., Tabatchikov A.A. | Published: 27.04.2024 |
Published in issue: #5(770)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: hermetically sealed capsule strength and integrity, numerical simulation, emergency fall, transport container |
Hermetically sealed capsule is the main sealing circuit in the ecological safety system to conduct experiments studying the material dynamic properties. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite element method to justify safety during transport and technological operations. Stress-strain state of the hermetically sealed capsule elements was analyzed during emergency falls from technological heights onto the absolutely rigid base. The sealing system performance in maintaining the main structural elements strength, including the bolted connections, was assessed. To verify the obtained numerical estimates, full-scale tests were carried out in the most dangerous case of an emergency fall of the hermetically sealed capsule from the two-meter height. The paper shows that the experiment and numerical simulation results are in good agreement. According to numerical calculations using the verified finite element model of the hermetically sealed capsule, strength and tightness preservation is predicted when a hermetically sealed capsule falls autonomously from two meters and from nine meters as part of the transport container.
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