Simulation of the non-resonant vibration exciter operation
Authors: Popov Y.G., Furmanov D.V., Malov G.S. | Published: 09.12.2024 |
Published in issue: #12(777)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: debalance vibration exciter, dynamic simulation, resonance phenomena, vibratory roller, vibration |
A significant number of vibration machines are operating in the above-resonance modes. Such machines include vibration tables, screens, conveyors, rollers, loaders, plates, etc. In this case, the simple debalance vibration exciters are used; they are driven by an electric or hydraulic motor. Acceleration and deceleration of such the vibration exciters are leading to the mechanism passing the resonant frequency, which results in the high-amplitude oscillations negatively affecting the structure elements and the material being machined. The paper considers the problem of designing the debalance vibration exciters that ensure absence of a driving force at the moment of passing the resonant frequencies. This allows avoiding negative effects in the unsteady motion. The paper analyzes the patents proposing a solution to this problem. It provides dynamic simulation of a debalance vibration exciter with eccentricity changing under the driving force action to assess the structures’ performance and develop approaches to designing such vibration exciters. Main operation characteristics of the standard and non-resonant vibrators are considered. Feasibility of developing a methodology in designing such vibration exciters is presented.
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