Development of Advanced Technology and Equipment for Manufacture of Titanium Spherical Vessels
Authors: Lomakin I.V., Ryazantsev A.Yu., Yukhnevich S.S., Shirokozhukhova A.A. | Published: 20.11.2021 |
Published in issue: #12(741)/2021 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: titanium spherical vessels, hemisphere shaping, hemisphere production technology, machining, cryogenic tests |
The most promising in the world practice are launch vehicles using titanium spherical vessels in a cryogenic medium at high pressure. The paper deals with an import-substituting technology, which provides a closed production cycle for the manufacture of titanium spherical vessels at the JSC “Chemical Automatics Design Bureau” and analyzes existing manufacturing technologies. We developed an innovative method of shaping and machining hemispheres from hard-to-deform advanced titanium alloys, providing maximum automation and productivity of the process. For hydraulic and cryogenic tests of submersible titanium vessels, bench equipment was developed and introduced into production. For simulating the facility operating conditions in order to reduce the cost and increase the safety of tests, liquid oxygen was replaced with liquid nitrogen and helium was replaced with high-pressure nitrogen. Within the study, we substantiated the area of ??effective use of the import-substituting technology and developed production facilities of a closed cycle for the production of titanium vessels with a capacity of 25 and 130 liters.
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