The influence of the optimization structure of the VT6 alloy on the quality of the resulting surface during blade processing
Authors: Golovkin P.A., Volkov A.V., Krykov A.V. | Published: 28.11.2021 |
Published in issue: #12(741)/2021 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: titanium alloy, deformation temperature, workpiece machinability, surface quality, load on the cutting tool, material hardness |
Currently, there are no normative documents regulating the appropriate technology of manufacturing parts from titanium alloys at the stage from hot plastic deformation to obtaining a machined (finished) part in terms of ensuring its high-quality surface and structure. Namely, the end-to-end effect of the transformations of the workpiece material on its characteristics formed through more than one technological transition, its heredity, is not tracked. This makes it difficult to achieve the desired characteristics of the final product and increases the cost of its manufacture. We studied VT6, a titanium alloy of medium strength, and found the relationship between the parameters of forging and the stability of the cutting process, the quality of the surface and the structure of the material of the resulting part. Technological solutions proposed on the basis of a synergistic approach should provide a balanced improvement of the specified parameters and eliminate the shortcomings of the original semi-finished product.
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