A new approach to the manufacturing technology of long hollow products made of fibrous polymer composite materials
Authors: Sayapin S.N. | Published: 21.10.2022 |
Published in issue: #11(752)/2022 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: fibrous polymer composite materials, winding method, non-separable mandrel, long hollow products |
The analysis of the main types of mandrels, which are used for the manufacturing the hollow products from fibrous polymer composite materials (FPCM) by winding on a mandrel, has been carried out. The problem of the technology of manufacturing the long-length hollow products from FPCM by winding on a non-separable mandrel is considered. A new approach to the technology of manufacturing long-length products from FPCM on a non-separable reusable mandrel. The mandrel is made in the form of a steel seamless cold-formed pipe of ordinary accuracy and without special treatment of the contact surface is proposed and tested. It is shown, that the application of the developed technology gives the possibility to improve the quality and economic efficiency of products of this type. On the basis of the proposed technology, an experimental batch of long pipes made of CMU-4L carbon fiber plastic with a length of 3200 mm and an outer and inner diameter of 42 and 32 mm, respectively, was manufactured and tested. The proposed approach could be used for the manufacturing both the hollow long-length rods from FPCM and the hollow semi-circular elements, that are molded also on a non-separable mandrel of ordinary accuracy.
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